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Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.

"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind
(from Queen song 'Killer Queen')

In the glam rock Persian queen's own words introducing this page:


This was too funny! I told that salacious princely Pavlova this, 'Rudy darling, I am so glad that is over and for good!'

In that sexy fucking ... thick ... Russian accent of his, he told me, 'eet eez too weird and crazy for anyone's liking. 

Why you not have Raymonda on your site?' That is what he calls my authorized buyer Raymond Giraud. After the ballet named Raymonda. He then said, 'Although I am veeerry fond of Giselle. I theenk Jorge has an eenterest in Raymonda, yes? How you say? Fancies?' I just laughed so hard!! I told Raymond that Jorge is fun and Raymond questioned me saying, 'don't you mean funny?' Mysteriously, I ... purred ... 'no, I mean fun, dear' and hung up.

What a fucking tart! (rolls eyes)


Anyway, I thought up a name for the new page because awww I know, dears, we are going to have to end

Phoenix Reborn because it is getting too long. I might title my next tour Phoenix Reborn. Someone came to my site after searching 'Freddie reborn' on Google. Wild, huh? I thought of making the new page be titled 'Phoenix Rises',

you know, as a take off. But I thought maybe it might be a bit redundant. So I have came up with

'Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind' from the song 'Killer Queen'. We will start off the new page going back for talking about my latest video that we never got the chance to. Ron Craster will be joining us ....

For the entire week, a certain somebody has been so bothered wanting to know my thoughts ....


I made these for you, my precious fans. The first gif, I was bored and started to film Rudy while we were out for a walk. He would have been such a wind blown fucking prince in it if he wasn't wearing 'Nureyev trademark Vienna cap' look. Then there is me preening like a right tart perched in his dressing room at Haze Theatre.

I hope you enjoy them.  Love and kisses to you all, darlings, Fairy xx

Pavlova, ballet danseur - I almost needed to post reply to what my femmka posted. The 'gif' she made she posted (above right) when spotlight turns pink on her. She is breathtaking! Half naked with that distracting necklace 'cascading' down her erotic tits.

Fairy, I need to know what you thought of video I had my valet film of me just for you. I personally will be looking forward to this weekend ... Yours, Rudy

"If anything, we have more in common with Liza MinnelLi.

I listen to a lot of Liza Minnelli."

Freddie Mercury



Where the page 'Phoenix Reborn' left off. The ever so elegant glam rock queen 1970s Freddie Mercury lookalike, correction, reincarnation, presented you, her adoring fans 'Loyal Subjects' with her latest video (above).

The princely ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova loves to woo his femmka (Fairy) with photos of himself, decided to woo her with video of him watching footage of the legendary lord of dance Nureyev and emulating it (start of the anove video). As you, Loyal Subjects, know (from Phoenix Reborn page), The multimillionaire ballet danseur Pavlova stunned all revealing his true lineage is Nureyev/Nijinsky.


Below have been taken from Killer Queen's recent video. The intro. and the credits. If you haven't already, Loyal Subjects, we urge you to watch Fairy's recent video (as well as the one preceding it with Fairy performing

'We Are The Champions, Big Spender and White Queen (As It Began)'


Ron Craster (valet for Pavlova, stage director Haze Theatre and Fairy Mercury concerts)

My partner, who is asst. stage director at Haze Theatre, who appears in the footage with Pavlova. We were watching the footage of Nureyev. More like, Pavlova was studying it. Then the theatrical prince, in his broken English heavy Russian accent exclaimed, 'I know! We film for my femmka! Emulating, like she does? Or is it? No. She naturally is 1970s Freddie. Reincarnation. Topic of new page.' So I started to film. As you fans had noticed, the volume was off at that start. I hadn't realized until he got up from the floor, then I switched it on.

As you can see, he is very theatrical. 'Method acting'. Many of you fans pointed out in your comments you were leaving, how he behaves when it comes to Fairy. Such as the 'reaction video' she had filmed of him awhile back which she kept making gifs from off of (one I've pictured below, alongside a stunning gif of Fairy)

He told me Alonso Lafar (Haze Theatre art dept. also art director for Fairy's public site and fan club site) was meeting with Fairy later that day and have him give her the video. I'll let the divine lush creature that is

Fairy Mercury pick up here. The moment Pavlova has been so anxious for since last weekend when the video was made. Her thoughts on it ...


~~ Fairy Mercury  ~~ As I had posted on the homepage, long since deleted, dears, Alonso (La Far) met with me to show me the Phoenix Reborn 'hover box' as it's called. From what I posted on the homepage, because I want to save it since it will eventually be deleted from the homepage, in order to keep it current.

I want to give credit to my art director who is the art director for Haze Theatre, Alonso Lafar. He does the artwork on my fan club site and public site, along with myself. I just love what he recently presented to me!

The below. Mouse over it. He told me 'the phoenix reborn into you as the incarnate of 1970s Freddie.'


Phoenix Reborn

Then he just casually gave me a USB along with, I mean, I just have to stop here, dears. His 'humour of Nureyev' he (Rudy) has complements my (Freddie) outrageously camp humour. I love him and we have so much fun together.

I'll get back to that in a moment. Alonso saying so casually, 'oh yeah, I was asked to give you this' I took from him a USB and a letter that had this (pictured below) as the 'letterhead'. The letter was in Russian. Deliberate, since he knows I don't understand or read Russian. So I had to go ask my best friend/costume designer who happens to know Russian to translate it. This is what is read: 'For the love of my life Fairy. I had Ronnie old boy film me (along with his partner) emulating Nureyev on old footage I find. I put on show just for you, baby. I hope it 'tickles your fancy' (from lyrics of 'The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke'...) Yours, Rudy'


I mean, I still just can't ... It took me a while to bring myself to watch it. When I did, I fell deeper and more madly in love. What a fucking perfect prince! As Ron posted, he was being his theatrical self on it and it was so how he behaves around me. The finger raised gesture he is doing, which I picked out to make this gif (below) he does it a lot. I'm glad many of you devoted fans caught that I was making us 'match' with the finger gestures in that gif of Rudy and I .... Ron told me, 'an all too well known Pavlova gesture which means he is commanding your full undivided attention.' That video defines the meaning of the word 'salacious'. Oh, believe me, Rudy darling, it not only 'tickled my fancy' but it was enough to make me 'pop my tuck'.....

I can hardly wait for him to read what I thought of the video of him ...

So, my precious fans, I suppose what will be up next will be him talking about putting together the footage of me to go with the live (pulled from soundboard) performances from various of my live shows, on the video. I felt embarrassed that he had the video end with ass shots of me, which fan Henri Beaumont was the first to post comment on, then the rest of you jumped on replying to.


Up Next, Pavlova responds??


Pavlova (ballet danseur) - My femmka being silly girl putting chat back on her site and, how you say? 'going on about' other time she did and I joked that I was going to go on it as 'Hugh Dickens' - pseudonym I used to join her fan club to learn more about her, if you fans remember. (Ref. pg. As It Began). But she had removed it before I was able to and I told her what I had intended. She is trying to embarrass me. So I wait to catch her off guard. Leave her wait for when I do. She has become very shy of me, once again, over letter I included with USB and because you fans noticing I ended new video with ass shots of her.  She is erotic throughout, yes? Arousing ... Just as footage of her on other new video. I very much like what she writes about video I had my valet flim just for her. We are planning to make yet another video. 


:: This Page Will Be Added Onto Soon ::

In the meanwhile, Loyal Subjects, enjoy these two gifs of the ever so elegant Fairy and the princely Pavlova.

The Fairy ... Tale Couple. The satin queen graces a stage before her 'Loyal Subjects' (fans). Judging by her stunning smile, she most likely was saying something outrageously camp in this footage.


The multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur Pavlova filmed candidly by the divine lush creature that is Fairy Mercury.

From what the glam rock queen refers to as 'reaction video'. She filmed Pavlova was he was telling her his thoughts on something silly she had bought. To date, fans still carry on over how the Fairy queen's dashing prince behaves ONLY towards her. Speaking to her, etc. The new footage of him he had filmed of himself emulating Nureyev footage he was watching (Fairy's newest video, below gifs, on this page) is also carried on about just as much.

Although Fairy wasn't the one behind the camera filming Pavlova, how he was behaving on the footage - himself being filmed just for his 'femmka' (Fairy). Fans can't like it enough what Pavlova valet/Haze Theatre stage director wrote about filming the footage (ref. 'Prelude' action on this page).


We'll also review the breathtaking live footage of Fairy which Pavlova put together to accompany the Fairy's live performances of Seven Seas Of Rhye (Freddie wrote it about Greek mythology 'Mercury'), In The Lap Of The Gods (who doesn't love the fairy ... tale romantic dedication of the song mentioned in the credits?) and Killer Queen.

She continues to prove how '70s Freddie through and through she is!

Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury


About the video:
The first 1/2 has an explained intro. added.
The 2nd half was put together by Pavlova. He picked out live footage viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings filmed

of Fairy to put the video together; accompanied by Fairy performing live, to you her adoring fans, at several
venues throughout her 2023 Fairy Soars summer tour.
Performances include:

  • Seven Seas Of Rhye

  • In The Lap Of The Gods

  • 2 different performances (partial and full) of Killer Queen

  • Bonus material - ballet danseur Pavlova watching and emulating Nureyev

As always, 'Loyal Subjects', watch the video to the very end, for stunning ending footage of Fairy

followed by the credits.

Oh my god, my precious honies!! Hugh was in the chat and I missed it! I was never alerted to it. I need to figure that bloody thing out! Apparently, I have to activate notifications in my browser or something. Here I a screenshot of when he was in the chat. Btw, Rudy darling, he is so serious. I think we need to leave him out. It's just not for him.

Geoff said he's now finding excuses to back out. Let's just scrap the idea. It's not working and it's stalled things enough. My precious fans are now posting they just want 'Mr. X' on with us and perhaps Greg, Philip and Johann.


Above photo of Russian ballet danseur Pavlova was taken by none other than glam rock queen Fairy Mercury; outside of Pavlova's Cambridge estate. The lord of dance and lord of leather, in one of many trademark Nureyev looks.

From 'Mr. X' - 'Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind' naturally as in Fairy and Pavlova blowing people's minds over their astonishing identical likeness to Nureyev and (1970s) Freddie Mercury. It is too hilarious what transpired last night at Haze Theatre. I asked if Pavlova would share it with you, Loyal Subjects. It was Fairy being so Freddie as in being campy yet at the same time being a total bitch. Btw, the quote on this (below) Freddie IS NOT talking about females. S/he is (between the lines) referring to bitchy gays. I am so infatuated by this photo of Pavlova intimately speaking into Fairy's midnight black hair. Perfect intimate candid shot. The first ever photo Phil Goldman captured of the 'FAIRY...tale couple', when hired as viVid Photo Studio's asst. photographer.

Pavlova, ballet danseur: As fans with membership to my femmka's fan club site know, she posted there. Last night, her and I attended production at Haze Theatre. Unruly creature approaches my valet Ron Craster's (who is also stage director at Haze Theatre and Fairy's concerts) partner (who is asst. stage direction at Haze Theatre) one in video with me I had Ronnie old boy film of me emulating Nureyev footage. She tosses long midnight black hair and bitchy feline sibilant purrs in almost snarl, 'I don't believe we've met. Don't touch my prince! He shrugged you off because I'm the only bitch he wants mauling his gorgeous body.' Before something dreadful comes of it, I tell her, 'come we find seats.' She hugs my arm possessively to her ... tits ... and I escort her to VIP section. We had delightful evening.


Jorge Schumann tells Fairy and myself that besides Fairy's profile, page most visited is this page I make screenshot of because it was very funny. My femmka and her wild laugh. You tell, baby Fairy.


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Remember, my precious fans, when my PR man and my photographer was transferring my site from that old hosting company and my PR man (Jorge Schumann) was working on what is called 'meta descriptions' for the pages? I told him I wanted to help do that since it is, after all, my site.

When we got to the page A Rhapsodic Fairy Tale, below is what happened, because you are only allowed so many words and it's cut off. I told him to just leave it because it's a naughty good teaser and would make anyone click on it curious as to, 'what about nipples??'

Me and Rudy with our 'matching expressions' being like ...

Not For Use

Not For Use

Speaking of Leeds ... (which is so coincidental) I will be performing 2 nights in Leeds on 15-16 Sept.

The best surprise, dears, is that on 5 Sept., just a few short days from now, I will be performing at the Brighton cabaret on what was my beloved idol Freddie Mercury's birthday. I plan to make it a very special event.

I became very emotional over something Rudy had asked of me. If I would go with him after my Leeds shows to

Paris France to visit Rudolf Nureyev's grave site with him. I will be so honoured to do this and am so very nervous about doing it. Now I am going to have Rudy talk about ... nipples. HA!!


Pavlova, ballet danseur: I will never forget time sordid gossip costume designer wrote of on A Rhapsodic Fairy Tale

page. Fairy and I had just met. If I remember correctly, it was the first time I arranged for us to meet after having met her for the first time. I arranged for us to meet at Peter Pan statue in Hyde Park. I heard nipples conversation but nonchalantly pretended I hadn't. I do remember thinking, what an erotic forbidden creature wondering such thing.

It was cold and rainy and she came half naked - almost peasant like. I gallantly gave her my leather although it was unfashionable for a 'queen' so alluringly effeminate to wear such manly garment.


Then I remember when seductive creature had returned my leather, I find note in pocket that read:

'Would I be able to handle what’s in your trousers?? … I know you … want … me. Xx Fairy’

Arousing, indeed ....

Gif of you thrusting out your sweaty tits and your full sensuous lips arousing me very much, baby.

You find this theatrical, femmka? Gif of me taking off leather goes with what I write, yes? I tell her my leather was one Nureyev owned/worn, not replicated. She nearly faints is shock disbelief. This is true. Then she shrieks like wild feline, asking me why I behave so nonchalant about owning and wearing it. I tell her I wish I had something of Freddie's

I can give you. Now with sentiments aside, I let her tell fans new creative idea she has come up with about her public site.


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ My precious fans, I have decided to do away with the featured photo and/or video section on the home page. What I have decided in place of it, after my PR man telling me the recent stats about visitors to my public site and that page ... that we are going to feature a page off my public site each week. Accompanied by a snippet from the page along with photo. Yes, Rudy darling, it always is 'theatrical' how you add photos or gifs to go with the content.


You know, I have been at such loss for words and feeling so dream-like over many things Rudy has been confiding in me. Such as what he shared about his leather. Yes, my darlings, I was being a right bitch last night at the Haze Theatre production. The claws were out! Awww it was so fucking romantic, dears. When we took our seats in the VIP section (he has his own reserved seat), he caressed the back of my black nails left hand and so fucking princely told me, 'you're all I see and hear, femmka. My love for you holds no boundaries.' How fucking romantic!!!

Above photos: Glam rock queen Fairy with her long midnight black bob, black nails on left hand only (Freddie Mercury trademark look) and obscenely tight black satin catsuit, rocking her 'Loyal Subjects'. The 'black queen'.

Multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova dancing as Prince Albrecht in legendary ballet 'Giselle'.

This is also how Pavlova dressed to marry Fairy, June of last year. On her birthday, on the grounds of his Vienna estate. Details of the tailored tunic below.

Exact replicated tunic ballet legend Nureyev wore when he danced in The Nutcracker.

Cost of princely tunic: £4000

              How Fairy dressed to marry Pavlova

From Pavlova - [section omitted] On humorous note, don't go 'secretively filming' me seated in VIP section at my femmka's cabaret show. I won't be in the VIP tomorrow night ...


The ONLY people who will be one Fairy's site to help promote her will be the ones who always should have been.

Her photographers, costume designer, the public relations (Schumann) and the one we refer to as 'Mr. X'.

Now in moving on, the exotic creature's PR man is to take moment to set the stage for, how they say, Jorge?

'What's in store' for fans attending exclusive special cabaret performance tomorrow night.




The 'FAIRY ... Tale Couple's Anatomy Upstages Them!


Loyal Subjects!!! Who's ready for some glam rock 'n roll at the Brighton cabaret tomorrow night, in honour of what would have been Freddie Mercury's birthday (5 Sept.)?

Multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur Pavlova's light brown bob upstages him in candid moment backstage.

The Persian glam rock queen Fairy Mercury's glossed erotic full sensuous lips upstages her at rehearsal.


So, my darlings, you are finding the above hilarious. Rudy thinks it's funny that you boys want his princely bob look. That is what he was doing; joking about it. I was who he was talking to out of the frame. As for that tart with the gloss drenched lips. I mean, seriously ... Should I be naughty enough to indulge all of you by telling you about caressing them on his enormous fucking cock? Who's up for a little naughtiness, hummm?


From High Dickens Pavlova, ballet danseur - This is too funny. Day after. She is cock teaser. Silly girl posts what she did last night (above) and leaves it. Reality being, we are having issues with this damn thing freezing up! She laughs over my thoughts of DJ. I tell her quite ... haughtily ... I can hardly imagine what this peasant will have to say.

Perhaps sordid gossip's counterpart. It makes for good publicity, so be it.

Fairy's newest favourite quote of her idol:

‘As far as lyrics go, they’re very difficult. I find them quite a task. My strongest point is the melody content.

I concentrate on that first … I hate writing lyrics. I wish somebody else could do it. Mind you, I like to do it all myself. I’m a greedy bitch.’ (Freddie Mercury, circa 1970s)


Above is this Dj who goes by 'Ron A.' with my femmka (Fairy). I think bah! Peasant looks with unfashionable jeans which only lowly peasants dress as such. I put photo of myself I have Goldman take just for my femmka alongside.

So we see what this peasant is made up of. Although I am touched he cared enough to try to help support her for being disgusting breed media. Now then, femmka, I would like to hear the 'naughtiness' you wanted to share...


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Hello, dears. There is nothing like talking to someone and that's all they care about is lusting your ... tits ... Very arrogant. He doesn't care to hear his 'femmka' talking about other boys to him. I tried to tell him Ron A. is friend not foe. All he cared about was having hold of my 'cascading down my tits' necklace and lustfully gazing upon them. The only thing that makes him shy is when I gloss my lips ... More arrogance, he longs for me to talk about 'making love' (as I'll just put it...) to his enormous fucking cock ... Something  (his cock) he likes to flaunt...

You know, like wearing impossibly tight shorts (of course ... it ... in the ballet leotards). I personally like to flaunt my midriff. I purr so verrrry contently when my furrrr ... is pet and he lays his princely bob on it or ... cums on it ...

Anyway, we are very upset and frustrated because Ron A. posted THREE posts. We have no idea how the bloody hell to link to the blog and we're not going into asshole attn. seeking snooped into chats to get help. So forgive the delay about that. If you see strange unusual activity on my public site, ignore it. Because it will be him, my PR man and Greg trying to sort it. Once sorted, expect my public site to become very active again.

Thank you for your fandom, my precious fans. Fairy xx


Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury: Fairy, they sorted it!! Btw, Pavlova is a spoiled pretty boy who is only accustomed to his aristocratic life of nobility and wealth. 'Aristocrat' defined: a person with tastes, manners and beliefs of the upper class. Haughty ... and snobbish.

He was sizing up Ron A. (including tastes in clothes, appearance, incl. dick size ...) deemed him 'peasant' and wants nothing to do with him. I bet he threw spoiled fits asking why his 'fine friend' "Mr. X" approached Ron A. with such offer. Actually, I don't know why we didn't think of it first. Because someone like him would be perfect to help promote you.

Fans are STILL carrying on over the 'upstaging anatomy' thing about you and Pavlova and it's not surprising.

So, Loyal Subjects, here is the link to classic rock DJ Ron A. doing our new feature: 'News Of The Glam Rock Queen'


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Thank Allah!! I am so glad they FINALLY worked it out, Hans! I laughed over what you wrote. He is so fucking sexy. When I was trying to tell him Ron A. was friend and not foe and all the wonderful things he had done in the past trying to promote and support me (along with his DJ friend), he said in his ... thick ... Russian accent, 'no more. I not have MY femmka speaking of peasants and other men en prolonged way!' and went to silence my lips. When he saw they were glossed .... his finger paused before them, he blushed and did this gorgeous slow pirouette (so theatrical...) to turn away from me.

Hello my precious honies, I hope you're having and wonderful and (hopefully) a very naughty weekend. I thought I'd pop in really fast to post this. It really was hilarious! What became of conversation (above) myself and my best friend/costume designer posted yesterday. Rudy read it and sat there laughing, then he got up telling his valet, 'breeng me vodka.' To him, vodka and brandy 'are a man's dreenk'. Effeminates drink wine and champagne (which were my beloved idol Freddie Mercury's choice of drink. S/he adored Cristal champagne, which is what s/he did the trademark champagne toasts with during Queen's 1970s concerts. Although the song Killer Queen, s/he gives a nod to Moët et Chandon, most likely, because of the movie Cabaret...)

Vodka is a very Russian drink. According to him, you are to knock it back in one swallow, then throw the glass into the fireplace. Well, he does just that when his valet brought him a glass. Then he started laughing again, shaking his light brown princely bob and says, 'that sordid gossip had to make an appearance een support of that vagrant!'

I don't care if he reads this, dears. I phoned Johann and told him because I thought it funny! This is what Johann

said to me when I mentioned, I think Rudy wasn't aware I was in the room. Johann said, 'I bet he was! He knows your presence. I bet he was method acting to test your reaction. The haughty Pavlova is incapable of jealousy. So I know that's not it.I bet he's playing the part of Prince Albrecht in Giselle with Hilarion (peasant) as his rival for peasant Giselle's love. He won't associate himself with commoners. It's why his 'fine friend' is the only one on your public site he'll talk with. For some odd reason, he took to Philip Goldman (having to do with your entourage).'


I wanted to revisit this video:

'All Dead, All Dead'

Choreographed by ballet danseur and owner of Haze Theatre Rudolf Pavlova.

The video features footage of the glam rock queen during her Flight Of The Fairy tour and features Pavlova.

A venue operator at one venue Fairy has performed (Brighton cabaret, to be exact) numerous times had this to say: 'The vocals and piano are eerily Freddie Mercury with a touch of Liza. Haunting and emotional. If there was such thing as surpassing perfection, Fairy has achieved that. The queen outdid himself with that performance and the way the video was choreographed completed it to perfection. The imagery was stunning! Pavlova makes me envious to admiration how he delivered to perfection the ballet moves such as the arabesque and pirouettes. If any man is deserving of the lovely superstar Fairy Mercury, undoubtedly it is Pavlova.'

Page the video appears on: Exotic Prancer



Loyal Subjects, read the recent news on the divine lush creature that is Fairy Mercury in 'Haughty and Naughty'...

on the Fairy news blog News Of The Glam Rock Queen. Will Fairy respond?? ... (or ... erm ... Pavlova ...)




Hello dears, I'm sorry for the silence. I have been really hurt. I can't stand how cruel and insensitive so many people are. How would they feel if they were treated certain ways? Who cares really because we do have fans/people who do appreciate us, have an interest in us and are impressed by us and, in the end, that's all that matters. This is MY website, with MY name attached to it and it's not going to cruelly be about anything other than that! Rudy's Tatar temper has been seething and I don't blame him. As I said, I have been really hurt.

One more night, Leeds! Cheer this queen up, huh?



I am so sad for my authorized buyer Francis Boyd and his loss. 16 years is a long time to be in a relationship with someone. I have something very disappointing to tell you, my luvies. Ron A. is going to have to already end the news blog. I will explain why tomorrow. Yes, what he wrote is eventually going to be replied to by Rudy and myself, here on this page. Until then, sweet dreams. Fairy xx


[section omitted]

I thought about ending my online presence, public website, on the account of it. But it's not worth letting it dictate and letting you, my precious fans, down. I just want everyone to know where we stand and that we need to be left the fucking hell alone if people aren't looking at my site for ME (and Rudy). Of course, this negative message will be deleted in due time. I'm not trashing up my public website with negativity.

So tomorrow I play two nights in Leeds. I just want to move on from all this stupidity now that we've stated what we have. I hate negativity. It never becomes me. Because Rudy and I are romanticists, humour/campy and overly sexual like our idols were.


From Francis J. Boyd - Fairy, what I wouldn't give to have Jason and Raymond back and for that freak to be dead instead. Rise above it now. Leave it behind like the 'copy/paste mockery' freaks were. Pavlova will protect you. I will will do everything in my power to see you are left alone. I already have things in motion for Jason's sister Mae to move in. I had the unworthy honours to be contacted by Sir Thomas. He told me to 'fight dirty and find a way to rid of the vermin' Once that weirdo is out on their ass, there is no more connection. Btw, people bring hatred on themselves. They have a choice. We all have a choice. You can choose be be likeable by others or ill treat others and end up hated. Never feel sorry for scum like 'the copy/paste mockery' freaks or anyone else who conducts themselves in such cruel evil manners towards you, Fairy.

Now about that rather interesting tale that DJ lad told. Your adoring fans are clamouring to hear you and ... possibly Pavlova's ... reaction to it.


Johann Wagner, costume designer to the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury -

Your fave Liza movies being 'Cabaret' and 'A Matter Of Time', Fairy. That movie Liza Minnelli was in that you can't stand named 'Arthur', it was funny that one scene when she's calling the one bitch a 'dog'. 'Mr. X'  said 'dog' was a talk in the 1970s many people used to call an ugly ass cunt. Dykey dog ...

The last positive thing Fairy ever posted was very campy and so her. Sharing with her fans how Pavlova has been towards Ron A. coming on board. I laughed, Fairy, over you posting that BUSTED photo of lord Pavlova holding a styrofoam cup. Ludicrous, really. Him in his expensive tailored suit with his leather draped over his arm and then that so out of place cup (picture me literally crying over laughing so hard).

Mr. Boyd, my condolences again over your sad loss. I hope you stay with us for many years to come. You would be deeply missed. You've been so kind to my best friend (Fairy).


From Francis J. Boyd - Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Wagner. Pavlova's reply to Fairy (accompanying the photo) is so him. He is very obsessed with the ballet of Giselle. The ballet that was the start of Nureyev's ascent to fame. It was the symbolic reason why the music of Giselle was played at his graveside and the lilies thrown in on to his casket along with his ballet slippers. Gif of Pavlova dancing the part of Prince Albrecht in Giselle. Act II - Scene 7.

I've added alongside it a gif of the talented '70s decade Freddie Mercury lookalike elegant Fairy.

Absolutely stunning!

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Francis, as you know (because you were in attendance) that was when I danced as Giselle with him in his own choreographed version of the ballet last year. Well documented for my precious fans exclusively on my fan club site when it took place. I'll never forget it. The summary we put under the video we made which included footage from the ballet.

'You And I' and 'You Take My Breath Away'


Timing couldn't be more horrid. We hesitate to even present it to you. My new music video of me performing

'You Take My Breath Away' and 'You And I'. It is filled with loads of footage of myself and Pavlova. We premiered a little of his choreographed version of the ballet of 'Giselle'. Prince Albrecht mourning at Giselle's graveside.

PLEASE, my precious fans, think it not inappropriate. We are artists and our lives go on, in spite of the fact our beloved Queen of England's has sadly ended. We credited fan John Price at the end and I teased that I might just hire him as my mock up Queen band's guitarist. He thinks I'm joking and I'm not really.


Page the video appears on: Bows And Curtain Calls


Pavlova, ballet danseur: Francis, I like what you reply to my femmka. I personally offer condolences for your unexpected loss. Sordid gossip only entertains self and probably peasant photographer partner. You make more appearances because it pleases you to foolishly try to belittle me. As for the unfashionable vagrant, of course,

I, Pavlova, would not remember incident because peasants aren't memorable.  Not to someone of my status.

Yes, femmka, I remember that time of the ballet and us putting together that video for you. In theatre, you have tragedy and comedy. Tragedy sadly won out that day.


Francis J. Boyd, auction broker/authorized buyer for FM: Pavlova, it means a lot you personally offering your condolences for my loss. Thank you. So you'll be off with your femmka to Paris to visit Nureyev's grave site soon.

I'm sure that will be an emotional time.

To Fairy, that video - your vocals and the footage of both you and Pavlova on it are amazingly surreal. You really do capture Freddie's vocals so elegantly and the stage presence is effeminately astounding. Of course, Pavlova so graciously mirrors the ballet legend Nureyev's poise and regally commands the stage.

Leeds, thank you for a wildly wonderful night last night. Are you ready for a second night in a few more hours?

I'll try to come on after tonight's show if I'm not too exhausted. Silly girl forgot to tell you honies why the news blog will most likely have a short run. The rip-offs expect you to upgrade! Money greedy. It's not that we can't afford it...

but there is a limit to that type of greed! Anyway, the depressing bit. I am still so sad about my authorized buyer Francis Boyd's loss. Rudy and I have decided to graciously pay to have his deceased partner's body flown to France, where he was born, raised and lived a vast majority of his 64 years of life.

Lighter note, if you only knew the recent about the Ron A. bit, dears... He was invited to my Leeds show last night.

When he (Pavlova) saw Ron A. backstage .... I'll finish later. I mean, it really is too funny!




Johann Wagner, costume designer to the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury -

Fairy, you could always have Ron A. do a news section on whatever recent page we're doing. Couldn't create a page just for that because it would become like the fanzine did. Too long. Your fans finding it hilarious you posting that

gif of lord Pavlova hanging up his ... fashionably expensive ...  princely tunics. I bet the ... haughty ... aristocrat will have remarks to say about me 'making more appearances' since 'that vagrant' came into the picture. 😅

I might start my 'write ups' again ....


'Loyal Subjects', I told Killer Queen that Greg and I invited Ron A. to her Leeds (Friday) concert. You guys know about how Pavlova dances ballet during the operatic break in 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Well, he danced it then when he came off stage into the wing, he saw Ron A. was one of the people standing there watching the concert in the wing.

He angrily grabbed hold his valet and started speaking in Russian, gesturing in Ron A.'s direction. Over the loudness of the concert, I was able to hear him. He said (translated) 'when is it peasants get privileges?! Get that vagrant a seat in back of venue!' He then stormed off. After her concert, I told Fairy and she told me to post about it on here.


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I laughed so hard when Johann told me about what happened in the wing. I am sorry I didn't come on last night, dears. But as I explained yesterday in what I posted, only if I wasn't exhausted. I ended up so fucking knackered because you fucked rocked me hard, Leeds! Oh my god, remember this? ...

Pavlova estate

Not For Use

Anyway, backstage after I recovered and we were getting ready to leave the venue, Rudy wanted to use the bathroom. I was being a right tart, dears. I had his arm hugged to my ... tits ... and went with him into the bathroom. He stepped up to one of the urinals. I mean, we were so bloody knackered (and drunk from the after party...) the place could be on fire and we wouldn't have known! So he steps to one of the urinals and obviously realizes I'm there, still hugging his arm to my ... tits ... His ... thick ... Russian accent, short laugh, then says, 'well then, thees ees quite eenappropriate, femmka. Perhaps you go out and wait.' I just laid my head on his shoulder ... purring ... 'no, Rudy darling. I can't bare being without you right now.' I mean, I wanted to suck his enormous fucking cock so hard!

I was so ... aroused ... over his hand holding it. I pouted as he put it back in his trousers saying, 'then I wait. I can't go with you here, baby.' I mean - WHAT?! I just can't!!! I took off for the door! I could hear him quietly laughing!

I'm sure he took his piss after I went out the bathroom. You could have had the most erotic blow job, Rudy darling!!


Pavlova, ballet danseur - Fairy, I am not mind reader. You should have let your sexual intentions be known ... It was very ... arousing ... to read your account, how you put into words, bathroom incident. Francis Boyd has made impression on me when we were on here the other day. He will now join us on her public site in helping promote my femmka. Yes, legendary sacred ballet of Giselle. About ... shy ... peasant girl who one day Prince Albrecht, while passing through peasant village, takes notice of. He returns (with valet) to village in guise as peasant to woo Giselle. Who peasant Hilarion is too in love with. They fight over Giselle. Hilarion learns of Prince Albrecht's true identity and when Giselle learns of his deceit, she ends her life. Known as the tragic story of love found and love lost.

Fairy found this amusing and ask me to share with her adoring fans. Nijinsky's diary. I do quick summary of ballet legend Nijinksy - who Freddie Mercury 'adopted' his harlequin leotard look. Being obsessed and in love with ballet legend Rudolf Nureyev ...

Nijinksy was effeminate gay (like Freddie and my femmka). Polish but born and raised in Russia. Petersburg (as myself and ballet great Anna Pavlova). His 'Russian prince' was the great Serge Diaghilev (creator of legendary Ballet Russe). Diaghilev cruelly replaced Nijinksy with Massine (who looked like Nijinsky) after they quarrelled and decided to take a break from their relationship. Diaghilev was led to believe Nijinksy cheated on him. This wasn't true. Well, Nijinksy marries lesbian then shortly after goes mad (develops Schizophrenia) and is placed in asylum. Sadly ending his ballet career.


The diary reads like a bitter prima donna. What you commoners often refer to as 'drama queen'. Melodramatic. Nijinsky has personality of Freddie and Fairy ... Bitterly he writes how Diaghilev's two front teeth were false and he was in habit of wiggling them which made him look like an old Russian woman. Fairy and myself were laughing so very hard when I show her this part of diary.  We leave for France tomorrow...


Francis James Boyd, auction broker/authorized buyer for FM: Excuse my sorrow, but Raymond always thought your femmka's shyness of you was 'cute', Pavlova. I hope you have a safe trip to France. I am forever in your debt.

Unworthy, I am, young nobleman. Not that I'm siding with him, but the costume designer is funny. Then you have no words for him. Only for your femmka. I was surprised to hear you didn't order 'the vagrant' out of your femmka's concert. Why give him a backseat in the venue when he's not worthy at all to you ...


Pavlova, ballet danseur - You are not to question my reasons, Francis. Excuse my femmka's obscene talk/language.

As you know, she is bohemian way of life, yes. It is only meant for me to read. She feels it necessary to entertain her adoring fans with it because she is rockstar. Like her beloved idol, obscene moves/gestures while performing (such as gif, below, tart stroking cock). As for that sordid gossip, only thing he is good for is costume designing.

He tries to provoke my Tatar temper and I am unfazed.

Francis James Boyd, auction broker/authorized buyer for FM: I don't wish to speak out of turn, Pavlova, but your

femmka is quite the exotic beauty. Erotic. Such as that gif you posted. She's lovely how she looks a cross between Freddie and Liza. I get the 'bohemian way of life' bit and rockstar. Her unlady-like overly sexual talk/behaviour doesn't bother me. It would be something someone of your upbringing would not be used to. As you've said about Nureyev ... he had his 'forbidden pleasures' and yours are the same as his. You have the knack of making a plain simple t- shirt fashionable ... Most likely because of how fit you are, young nobleman. I had to laugh when you posted that particular gif you chose of yourself. To go along with being 'unfazed'?? Frazzled and unfazed. LOL!

I enjoyed reading the theatrical way you summarized the ballet of Giselle. What you wrote from out of Nijinsky's diary was hilarious. Give my regards to Sir Thomas.


[Section Omitted]


From Pavlova - As you say, femmka, some things are unforgivable, cruel and insensitive. It's not going to keep going on. How you say? Treating you - us - as if we are 'push overs' To walk all over and take advantage of. NO! I see to it

that it ends. Gone on too ridiculously long! So you follow orders the 'glam rock queen' issues to you, Jorge.

I don't know why that idiot USA CUNTtry remains unblocked because reason why it was left unblocked isn't relevant any more. Damn search engines stupidity. Then Francis Boyd gets stuck there and is forced to take up residence because of COVID. Now he has his Oxford home but still has his ties to that freak show USA CUNTry. Oh well. That's his business not ours, femmka. He will be spending the majority of his time in England now his partner has died.

Things have been settled now, Jorge, we move onto 'on topic' pleasant things once again.


Francis J. Boyd, auction broker/authorized buyer for FM: Pavlova, I am glad you are being the protective nobleman you are about your femmka. You are right, it has gone on too ridiculously long. If any one remembers COVID, the start of it. There was no travel. People were literally stuck wherever they were. The only good that came of the despised bs was Raymond and I having met Jason Long.


From Pavlova - What a curse! My sympathy goes out to you, Francis, for your bad luck during that COVID. The fan Jason Long was a very good thing that came of it, yes? You tell that old bitch Dame Eleanor of my femmka and in turn, I Pavlova am told of my femmka - my Freddie ... As with ballet of Giselle, I go in guise as 'Hugh Dickens' to learn more of her. You re-tell story, yes? To get things pleasant and 'on topic' again. With photos and/or gifs. Use whatever you wish, Francis.


Francis J. Boyd, auction broker/authorized buyer for FM: Although it can be read on I believe it is 'Funny How Love Is' page of Fairy's public site. Jason Long worshipped Fairy. One day, while in England running auctions for my well to do clients, that Dame Eleanor being one, had expressed concerns (as an auction broker, you get a lot of gossip...) that the young multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur Pavlova needed to fulfil destiny. 'Destiny' being he is destined to be the lord of dance Nureyev (lineage, he revealed...) which included him finding his 'Giselle' - his Freddie (Mercury).


MUST READ pages for any of it to make sense to those not familiar  (mainly the first 2) :

Mirror Image | Funny How Love Is | Androgynous Hermaphrodite | As It Began | Phoenix Reborn

This thing is freezing up on me so I'll make it short. A few weeks later, I paid Jason Long a visit. He was looking at his laptop, excitedly telling me, 'there's this famous rockstar that I idolize so much! You just have to see!' and he showed me what he was looking at on his laptop. It was Fairy's site (at the time). I remember the blood draining from my entire body, as I remembered that old bird stressing concerns to me. There was Pavlova's stunningly breathtaking Freddie Mercury, his destiny. I discreetly asked Jason questions about this exotic beauty who went by 'Fairy Mercury'. Trying to gain information to report back to that old bird that I had found Pavlova's Freddie, his destiny.

It was mentioned in that old bird's diary what became of it (Funny How Love Is page). As the old saying has it, the rest is history.

The 'FAIRY ... Tale Couple'

Fairy Mercury and Rudolf Pavlova

Incarnates 'this day and age' 1970s Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev


Statement From Pavlova


Pavlova, ballet danseur: I am issuing statement myself. I will be heavily relying on translation to compose this.

This ends this page on my femmka's (Fairy) public website.

We start new page 'Glam Rock 'n Roll' soon. Since blocking, her PR man Jorge Schumann reported to me there were 160 attempts to view. We have unblocked but with warning and it better be taken serious!!

This site is about FAIRY.

It is not about me or anyone else.

It appalled me the things she had told me. She was copied and cruelly mocked. Then that damn nobody who I will not hesitate to destroy ... well, it infuriates me to repeat what my femmka opened up to me about. People NEED to be realistic. This site is about Fairy's fame. She has MANY adoring fans who take a serious interest in her. Her fan club site now has 12 million members. I will not tolerate snooping prying idiots making a joke or game out of that 'data breach' issue. Being cruel and hateful. 'Coming to life' over a damn annoying hated by us nobody or carrying on over nobodies that are on her site helping to promote FAIRY! Francis Boyd isn't all of a sudden going to become upstaging star for stalking non-fans cruelly USING my femmka's site just because Francis Boyd is buying on her behalf. Cruel evil attention seekers wanting 'feedback' and all the talk on them while Fairy gets no words in return from these fools! They can't be impressed with her. They can't lavish her with complements. They can't even be fans!

If any more cruel stupidity occurs, her public website will be gone and for good! No more online presence, except her fan club site which can only be accessed by members!


We will be in France until end of next week. Yesterday we visited Nureyev's grave site. As was announced earlier today on fan club site, Fairy will be performing an exclusive one night only concert on Friday, 29 Sept. at the venue she performed during her Fairy Soars European tour, which recently ended as of last month. We go from there.

You will hear from her this weekend.


~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Hear from me now, my precious fans. Rudy told me he would give his legs and never dance again before he let's me be treated poorly any more. Emotional abuse ...

Look at these lovely 'backlink' articles that were supposedly written by me, but actually on my behalf and it's what is called 'backlinking'. Apparently this is the key to high rankings.


Odd, isn't it? Things have improved greatly since the asshole ogre spectacle was banished. The ass was literally running people off. Anyway, I might have my PR man create a page (not included in the menu) for all the backlinks because I was told that is the fastest way to have them indexed. Or else it takes weeks, sometimes months, for those bloody search 'bots' to find them.


I might start out the new page with the following. Which of my French honies are ready to see some more of this, next Friday? As for France, I was stung by a bee! Can you believe it, dears?! On my thigh of all places!!

What a tart!! (rolls eyelined eyes).  I'll tell about that too on the new page.

Glam rock queen Fairy Mercury performing live

(Featuring Russian ballet danseur Pavlova)

'We Are The Champions' - Vienna, Austria

'Big Spender' (2 different performances) Brighton cabaret, England

'White Queen (As It Began)' - Paris, France

All from her recent Fairy Soars 2023 tour.


Page the video appears on: Phoenix Reborn


Ron Craster (Pavlova valet, stage director Haze Theatre and Fairy Mercury live shows) - Fairy, where are you? I'm taking my chances posting this knowing he'll read it ... He saw what you posted. This is what he said,' you don't even have to click on video. Image shown in glittering leotard and her tits is enough to make any man aroused and want to watch. I do envy that necklace.' I'm still laughing thinking of his princely, yet theatrical, reaction towards you having been stung by that bee. You being melodramatic 'queen' over it. You should let me tell of it, because as your costume designer keeps saying, you won't talk of yourself and you will leave that out. It's not fair to your fans. Why he took up doing the 'writings' idea he had come up with that you agreed to having him do.

Campiness of Freddie Mercury and the humour of Nureyev, how you two are like together.


Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury:

Ron, do so! What you're bringing up about why my 'write ups' came about was that Fairy's fans got upset because she would only talk about her man (lord Pavlova) and talk of her was practically null. Which is laughable because she's the star. It would have been awkward and egocentric if she were to talk of herself. This was before Pavlova decided to appear on her site to help promote her. When they first met, two years ago. So I decided why don't

I write about Fairy's prowling and campiness she would get up to, at the time, paying visits to Haze Theatre

'crushing on' Pavlova. My 'write ups' sort of faded out once they became a couple and Pavlova became more involved in being on the 'divine lush creature's' site to help promote her. Whenever you write, Ron, it's hilarious.

You sneaking against, the great lord Pavlova's wishes.


Me (Jorge Schumann) doing my PR - The above and more coming this weekend to new page Glam Rock 'n Roll!!


Myaow Meeow Productions


Nothing on this site is Freddie Mercury nor is it to be mistaken for him.

Everything is who the site is about - Fairy Mercury lookalike/impersonator incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury.

Written material, photos and videos ARE NOT for use!

Permissions will not be given, so don't ask.



Photography: Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Philip Goldman, assistant photographer

A nod to Fairy's Courtiers

Flawless replica of Freddie Mercury's stage wardrobe for Fairy: Haze Theatre Costume Dept.

Management to Fairy Mercury: Haze Theatre / Myaow Meeow Productions

Web Design:  Greg Hastings, Fairy Mercury, Alonso Lafar

Artwork: Alonso Lafar, Haze Theatre Art Director and Fairy Mercury


All photos, gifs, video/recordings and content of Fairy Mercury are not to be saved to computers

or used without permission from viVid Photo Studio and Fairy Mercury's management.







Join the millions of adoring fans of glam rock queen superstar Fairy Mercury

Fan club membership includes: exclusive content (videos, photos, merchandise, etc.) not seen or available

on the incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury – Fairy’s public website. Also, a very active comments section.
Membership is £20/renewed every 6 months - to inquire about fan club membership, send

with ‘Fan Club Membership’ in subject line.

Members are carefully screened before accepted to avoid unwanted abusive behaviour.

Keeping it positive for all of Fairy’s adoring fans. Serious supportive, devoted and very involved fans are the most welcomed.


Copyright © 2021 - 2025, Myaow Meeow Productions, viVid Photo Studio and Haze Theatre. All rights reserved.

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