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Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.

"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

Loyal Subjects
Volume 5

All The Queen's Men


From the public site footer:


About Geoff Stafford fan club president and comments moderator for Killer Queen’s fan club. Geoff formerly from Kent and now resides in Brighton is a long time fan of Fairy, from the start of the exotic prancer’s career which kicked off in 2018. Geoff was the first fan Fairy met!


Let me add more details to that (even though it's all in the fan club...). My best mates Jerry and Dave along with my partner Clive are childhood friends from Kent. Last year, we relocated to Brighton. It being a well known 'gay community'. Where our exotic queen Fairy got her start - performed her first ever show. So it has a symbolic meaning. I was the first ever fan Killer Queen met. I am so proud of where she is today in her fame. Thinking back on her struggle for success.


You can read about my first 'encounter' with the glam rock queen, my idol, Fairy Mercury on the first 'edition' of my online Fairy fanzine here: Loyal Subjects

Thanks for being fans of fabulous Fairy! Geoff Stafford, devoted avid Fairy Mercury fan, fan club president


Hello, Fairy’s ‘Loyal Subjects’. Welcome to volume 5 of the online Fairy Mercury fanzine.

Named after you Fairy's loyal, devoted so appreciated fans.

You can read the other editions of the Loyal Subjects online fanzine by clicking on the navigation menu at the top right of the page. It's kind of stubborn, so you might have to click it several times 😄😅


I am going to start off this edition by copy/pasting my last post I made to edition 4 because eventually I wanted to add to it. So until I do, here is what I posted:

Greetings, Loyal Subjects. I'm back after things were finally sorted. Apparently my exotic idol and her dashingly handsome prince took issue with a few things and had my fanzine page temporarily ended until they decided what they wanted done. You can read the first ever Loyal Subjects and editions 2-3 by using the navigation menu at top right of page. I want to start out by saying this, I encourage fans who haven't already, sign up for fan club membership! You can read details in the footer of It is VERY active and has exclusive content. Photos, videos, messages from Pavlova and Fairy, etc. that you won't find on the public site. Exclusive for fan club members only. It is very well worth it. Along with merchandise. Such as the breathtakingly revealing book The Fairy Tale Couple co-written by the famous man who graciously refuses to let his identity be revealed because he's not bound to upstage and all else he explained - the one who actually knew Freddie Mercury and Nureyev in the 1970s - that they refer to as 'Mr. X'. Crazy amount of copies of it has been sold to fan club members and concert goers. It (along with tour merchandise) was sold during Fairy's 'Fairy Soars' European tour.

More about that shortly.

So, Fairy and Pavlova's fans, I hate it that Mr. Jorge Schumann (my exotic idol's PR man) never mentions that 25 June is when she not only married her multimillionaire princely ballet danseur but that is also her birthday. Pavlova's birth date (I've learned from reading the captivatingly revealing The Fairy Tale Couple book) is 25 May! EXACTLY a month apart! They both will be 39 this year. Those of you fans who bought the  book, did you notice throughout it kept alluding to the possibility that Pavlova is related to his legendary idol the lord of dance Rudolf Nureyev. It featured more excerpts from that Dame Eleanor's very revealing diary.

(Reference page: Funny How Love Is) Not to be partial or anything, but I totally love the content on that particular page. More soon, but in the mean time, who isn't obsessed with the newest photos of my exotic idol and her prince? Her erotic af 'nip slip' photo looking identical to her idol off Queen II album (the look she is obsessed with mirroring - without effort, mind you) and him looking lusciously  sweaty and fit af.

The photos they so 🌈 romantically 💗 had taken for each other.

Signing off for now, Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president


(I mean, I wish soooo much I looked like you in your erotic, just for your prince, 'nip slip photo, exotic bitch! Your multimillionaire ballet danseur prince is so unrealistically dreamy - real life prince out of a ... FAIRY ... tale. I can easily see why you're struggling so much with thinking he's not real. Then you flaunting in the recent post you made on your public site about him having cum over your new erotic photo you had taken just for him. I worship you!!!)

I was summoned to Haze Theatre for a meeting with my exotic idol's entourage. Her multimillionaire princely ballet danseur's office in Haze Theatre is like a suite! It's ... enormous ... (I bet overly sexual exotic bitch will be reading this and her naughty mind will read 'enormous' and be thinking of her prince's 'enormous fucking cock' as she refers to it as). Anyways, it was a bit uncomfortable for me to be there after what I posted about the two recent photos of them (above). I was being ignored and Fairy's exotic dark liquid brown eyes with eyeliner kept glancing at me with this totally bitchy look. 😄😅 I am so excited because her PR man (Jorge Schumann) gave me the honours to announce this! Fairy's first show of her tour here in the UK will be the cabaret in Brighton (where all of you long time fans know is where I live and my story). It will be 21-22 April and pre-order for tickets to fans with fan club membership will go on sale 17 April.

Signing off for now, Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Oh, you mean like this ... (above quote of my beloved idol). I mean, you're given back your fanzine page and you're already embarrassing, bitch!! I'll never forget when you embarrassed yourself calling me 'exotic bitch' because of the expression on my face in that photo. Then you asked Philip Goldman what MY Rudy was saying in my ear, as if  he would know. Then both Rudy and I got on (I think it was your edition 2 or 3) of the fanzine teasing you about it. I mean, really!


Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Where's boy who is jealous at me and talks so much about cocks? Femmka, I still laugh when that one posted that cock ring photo. I came across it when I was looking for times explained why my fine friend 'Mr. X' won't let himself be revealed. (Ref. - Command Performance page).


~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Rudy darling, I still think it's because he doesn't get bent enough and I wasn't carrying that I can't remember now - I think it was either Johann or Greg tried to defend him saying that they doubt he gets bent because he's obviously not a 'bottom' - 'effeminate queen' - however you want to put it.


Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Forgive I not reply to what you wrote, femmka ... here are our laughing gifs because this moment calls for them, yes?

So me right now after reading what was recently added to the Command Performance page. 😲 😄😅🤭

I mean, seriously, exotic bitch! Now you're getting your prince's valet to flaunt your sexual prowess with your princely ballet danseur!!


Loyal Subjects, recent rumour I'm desperately trying to confirm. We might be graced with a new video as earlier as

this weekend!!! So, you guys, I guess what I was trying to confirm was somewhat confirmed by my exotic idol's prince on the Command Performance page. They start work on the video this weekend.


I was asked by Jorge Schumann (Fairy's PR man) to post this. They installed this awesome analytics. This will be

FOR REAL the last time 'stalkers' get mentioned. Apparently weirdo went jealous psycho (again) over their old geezer Francis Boyd being bothered by 'attention seekers' and took up their tired bullying that all of us long since tuned out. Did like Raymond Giraud, but people's personal lives are none of my business ...

Anyways, back on topic ...

Mr. Schumann wanted me to post this screenshot. That analytics he installed, picks up the exact location 'visitors' are located at. So stalk at your own risk, non-fans .... As Pavlova stated on the Command Performance page, we're not the ones bullying ... Fairy once stated, if people want to look at her public site, let them. But they better have a serious interest and NOT coming around for reasons other than just that. Being seriously interested in fans of her and Pavlova. We're not going to bang on about that tired 'stalking' stupidity instigated by someone who isn't even a part of Fairy's entourage (incl. website) and fame. We mind our own business and bother no one and that's that.

Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president


Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): Fairy's adoring fans, I would like to add this to what Geoff posted. This analytics is very in depth, almost on a stalking ... level. It tracks the location in the world the 'visitor' came from and loads of other info. That's how dangerously NOT safe people become exposed online through companies. I can capture the IP address of individual 'visitors' and block them from viewing the site like that blocker app (individual or entire country). We ask people not be abusive and leave Fairy's public site alone if they aren't seriously interested in fans of her and Pavlova. Because we're not bullies and we bother no one. We expect the same in return. Cheers


Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Tsk. Tsk. My femmka has proven how very unruly she is! I do not approve of her allowing you to use her to test this analytics thing out, Jorge!! It is a good thing she was not at my Cambridge estate!! I must have a talk with her. No amount of pouting those seductively sensuous ... wet ... full lips of hers will make me ...... well anyways ....


Jorge Schumann (PR for FM):  Pavlova, before you scold the lovely creature, she was being her campy self.

I contacted her about it for permission and she told me she was going to take her laptop and 'prowl off' (as she phrased it) down the street then go visit her public website and for me to check to see if her 'visit' was recorded.

She really is too campy. I told her she should have headed to Hyde Park - you two's fave haunt.  Her sibilant purr telling me in reply, 'I still wish I could perform in Hyde Park to re-create Queens' legendary 1976 concert (soft sigh) Rudy and I have still yet to visit the Peter Pan statue since we've returned from Europe.'

Me reading the content that's being added to my fanzine page (especially what was recently written by my exotic idol's dashingly handsome prince about her...) 😲🤭

Mr. Schumann, I loved what you wrote about her being campy. It was so Fairy!!!

She is so modestly humble and never gets used to her fame, so I'm doing bragging rights for her. When you're stunningly famous idol gets congratulated by Google.


~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Bitch, quit trying to always have a hand in everything! Yes, my precious fans, I am proud of my achievements, but I'm not into 'numbers'. That is only for egomaniacs with big egos who thrive on self importance. I'm just happy with my fame and my main focus is entertaining for you, my so appreciated darlings. Today I will personally take part and help my PR man with 'meta descriptions' for the pages of my public site. Tomorrow Rudy, my photographers (Greg and Philip) and myself will start putting together the new video.

What became of having a talk with me. I mean he is so fucking sexy - charming prince!!!

I left my London home (it really was funny, Jorge!) You should have seen me, dears!! I did just what my PR man wrote. He contacted me about the analytics thing and I told him, let's test this thing out. I'll go prowl down the street with my laptop (because god forbid!! DO NOT use a bloody phone to look at my site! It ruins the fabulous looks of it, dears!) and I'll pay a visit to my public website and tell me if it records my visit and location. So there I was looking like a right tart with my laptop ... anyways, back to what became of having a talk with me ... I arrive at the delectable mmmm...  I do like 'salacious' better. Defined: arousing sexual desire ... ballet danseur's Cambridge estate. Lives like a prince ... He takes my black nails left hand to do his delivering a princely kiss to the back of it and instead of kissing it, he pats it, broken English Russian accent breathing, 'no kiss, unruly creature. Explain why you do thees - why you be silly girl having location of your home - ' I silenced him, seductively pressing my fingers to his lips and ... purred, 'Rudy darling, it's all in fun. I'm not foolish enough to ever do something like that about any of your homes. Cambridge or in Vienna.' HA!! He was right, copy/pasting exactly what he wrote: 'No amount of pouting those seductively sensuous ... wet ... full lips of hers will make me ......' (mmm, make you what, Rudy darling??...)

He brushed my fingers from his lips angrily speaking in Russian. Valet nearby translated: 'that's not the point! Now fans will come to area trying to find out where your home is there!' Then in English, 'Your bohemian way of life I can never understand, femmka!' He is as theatrical as I am melodramatic, dears. He did this gorgeous pirouette and walked off. I grinned at his valet ... purring ... 'don't go after him, right?' His valet laughed, 'correct' and went off in the direction he walked off.


Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Fairy's ever so loyal fans (Loyal Subjects), I am laughing so hard right now!

I just had to come on here and share this with you guys. She mentioned helping work of 'meta descriptions' for the pages on her public site. Jorge Schumann is finding out fast how Fairy should only stick to these things she ahem ... for lack of a better work excels in - first and foremost, being an entertainer as well as campy and overly sexual. Jorge

tried to explain to the ever so elegant Killer Queen 'meta descriptions' have to be 160 characters or search engines will cut it off. She copy/pastes from the captivating summaries Jorge has of the pages on the homepage. I did a screenshot of what I'm talking about that I'm laughing so hard over.


Jorge laughed and was like, this is what I mean by cutting off. EXACT personality of her idol Freddie Mercury story of when he bitchily called some guy 'pretentious'. Fairy cuffed Jorge's hand bitchily purring, 'oh don't be so pretentious, dear, and leave it! Someone would read it as a teaser and click on it wanting to know what about nipples. (purrs) mmmm, that page was the start of my Rudy and I's romantic relationship.' with a toss of her long midnight black hair.

Speaking of nipples ....

We love the very active fanbase Killer Queen has. Your guys' comments you leave in the fan club comments section really are entertaining. In a few moments, head over to the page Command Performance to read what I'm going to post there. It's sure to send you guys into your wild frenzies even more ... Cheers! Greg




Greetings, Loyal Subjects. It is after 1am as I post this. I just can't even right now. I'm like so wound up and literally trembling!! First off, Fairy never disappoints! She promised you, her adoring fans, she would get her public site active again. I so can't wait for the upcoming post her photographers will be doing on the Command Performance page!!! Then to add to why I'm so wound up, which btw, I really have no comment the things they were posting on my fanzine. I worship Fairy!!! Anyways, I'll probably get in trouble for posting this. You know how you can do that 'cc' thing with emails to send to more than one person? I too obviously was included in a 'cc' of an email by accident; that was sent to my exotic idol's PR man Jorge Schumann. It was from, of all people Ron Craster who is Pavlova's valet and also stage director at Haze Theatre and Fairy's concerts. I mean, I REALLY hope I don't get in trouble posting this!!!


It talked about how Pavlova looked over 'the content' and 'found it utterly ridiculous and immature' but things must go on about getting around to 'it's been delayed a bit too long' Flight of the Fairy page. 'The management she had was horrendous and it's no wonder about so many things before her Nureyev - Pavlova pirouetted his way into the talented lovely creature's life.' Then it talked about suggesting Mr. Schumann do a teaser of this concert shot of Fairy and the caption that was under it from off 'that content' Then about a meeting with Pavlova at Haze Theatre has been arranged to discuss what of 'the content' will be used. This is the photo and the caption I am going to put under it. If I'm confronted about this, I'll just say I was helping Mr. Schumann with the promotion of the page and since the email included me in the cc, I just thought it would be okay I read it and may be used it for content for my fanzine page. I'm going to post a photo of my exotic idol's 'salacious' princely multimillionaire ballet danseur alongside it. I obsessively adore her in her black and/or white satin catsuits!

💗Satin queen and lord of leather!💗

Until next time, Loyal Subjects, Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president


A glimpse of what is to come!

Satin queen - erotic fantasy rehearsing.

This is the caption in what I wrote about (the email)

Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): Geoff, you'll be shocked to hear that you are going to be allowed to keep what you posted about that you snooped into. In the future, caution will be taken who appears in the cc section of emails.


From Geoff - Thx, Mr. Schumann! I've been worried all day over it! So, Loyal Subjects, I'm dead and I guess I'm now off to like some boring #shitpeoplelike lesser than! (Kidding! 🤮Pukes! No Way!!! Fairy and Pavlova are thee ONLY entertainers worth being fans of!) Seriously, I can't deal with the gif of video footage off my exotic queenly idol's new video she posted on the Command Performance page!! The FAIRY...tale couple looking so perfection! Me seriously not being able to deal with the perfection!!!

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I am laughing so hard right now, bitch! What MY Rudy jokingly said to me over what you wrote - 'I'm sure no one will miss boy - cat they would'. Seriously, you know we're only teasing and joking with you. Thank you for doing such an entertaining and lovely job of my online fanzine. All the best, 'Killer Queen' xx

(wait until you and all my precious honies see the video...)


Jorge Schumann (PR for FM) - Fairy, I'm sure you already know since you look at the comments your adoring fans leave on the fan club comments, that he went off all shy in 'hyperventilating hysterics' over you complementing him running your fanzine and what  you wrote that Pavlova jokingly said. So him having Nureyev's humour, btw ... Needless to say, your fans have all 'died' over the gif you made from off your upcoming video. They're obsessing over being graced with it and over when your photographers will do the 'write up' on photographing those photos of you two.


Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Jorge, Phil and I are dragging out the suspense. L😄L!!




Just For The 'Loyal Subjects'!!


I am officially dead, you guys!! It is 1:30 am here in England and Fairy's new music video was posted ONLY in her members only fan club site! Just for us REAL seriously interested in fans!! I am going into the fan club comments now to join you guys in the comments you're leaving about it although I for real just can't even right now! I thought that gif my exotic erotic idol made to tease her new video was 😲 unreal as it was!!! Just in time for her Brighton shows tonight and Sat. night - as promised! I can't wait to attend BOTH nights! #obsessedfanatic

Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president & editor of Fairy Mercury online fanzine

Greetings, Loyal Subjects. Now things have been sorted about Fairy's public site, it's all right I start posting to the online fanzine page again. Seems like forever. At least there's the fan club site ... I too excited to see what my exotic idol posted about on the Command Performance page! Doing a different version of her new video for her public site! I'm not even going to discuss the naughty tart stuff she posted about herself and her multimillionaire ballet danseur!

I'm still laughing over you guys thinking that one post I made in the fan club comments was so hilarious. When I posted that those recent photos of her (pictured below) has her exotic bitch expression.

You know, like this photo (above) that lead me to start calling her 'exotic bitch' - other than she for real is the quote of her idol that is written alongside the photo. She's always flaunting ... and I don't mean her talents and likeness to her idol 1970s decade Freddie Mercury either. I mean, like her tits ... overly sexual prowess, her prince's ... ahem ... 'overly abundant jewels', things like that. Apparently her multimillionaire princely ballet danseur made some erotic video of him dancing ballet JUST FOR HER (like the photos of himself he had taken just for her) and she's now wanting that in the video she talked about. I am so totally obsessed with the new photos of her that her personal photographer Greg Hastings took. In her little black satin outfit looking like exotic bitch ...

I took this screenshot below after trying to help her PR man figure out issues with Killer Queen's public site. Just don't look at her site on a mobile because it totally ruins the looks of the original way it was designed to look!
Will post more soon. Most likely edition 6 because this page is getting a bit too long. Remember, to view the other editions of Loyal Subjects, menu top right of page, mouse over Loyal Subjects link in the menu.

Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president & editor of Fairy Mercury online fanzine


Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - We, my femmka and I, come to pay you long overdue visit, boy. Or is it girl??... My femmka tells me to add that question and to say, quit trying to be her. Well, I guess it's all a part of 'idolizing' a star. Such as myself and my femmka (exotic unruly creature) idolizing and wanting to be 1970s Freddie Mercury and Nureyev. You are right, she never gets used to her own fame and she has adoring fans who idolize her, such as yourself. That prince of nothing 'Clive' boyfriend of yours who idolizes me. I shall not have peasants ... oh, forgive my rudeness if I leave sentence unfinished. My femmka, as if anyone can't tell by photographer photos of

her ... desires 'homoerotic'. So I have Goldman film homoerotic dance footage for my femmka to include in video she herself (no help of anyone) is putting together for her adoring fans. I anxiously await her response to footage as

I have in past to photos I have had Goldman take of myself just for her.


~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Why  do you keep having to make a point of my 'exotic bitch' expression?! We'll be expecting edition 6 of the fanzine soon, don't have to keep being told off about making too long pages.

Rudy darling, what you posted is hilarious!! I would add our laughing gifs, but this page is sooooo long.

Oh! I forgot, they are already on this page... What's with trying to help my PR man out with site issues bit?

Here's some camp for you, my darlings, apparently Rudy and I can't visit the Peter Pan statue (stone bitch copies my short frock look!) because many of you in London haunt Hyde Park around that statue hoping to catch a glimpse of us. Awww, I love you all! Who's anxious to see my video Rudy gave you more details about? 💗X 💋O💗X 💋O


Myaow Meeow Productions


Nothing on this site is Freddie Mercury nor is it to be mistaken for him.

Everything is who the site is about - Fairy Mercury lookalike/impersonator incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury.

Written material, photos and videos ARE NOT for use!

Permissions will not be given, so don't ask.



Photography: Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Philip Goldman, assistant photographer

A nod to Fairy's Courtiers

Flawless replica of Freddie Mercury's stage wardrobe for Fairy: Haze Theatre Costume Dept.

Management to Fairy Mercury: Haze Theatre / Myaow Meeow Productions

Web Design:  Greg Hastings, Fairy Mercury, Alonso Lafar

Artwork: Alonso Lafar, Haze Theatre Art Director and Fairy Mercury


All photos, gifs, video/recordings and content of Fairy Mercury are not to be saved to computers

or used without permission from viVid Photo Studio and Fairy Mercury's management.







Join the millions of adoring fans of glam rock queen superstar Fairy Mercury

Fan club membership includes: exclusive content (videos, photos, merchandise, etc.) not seen or available

on the incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury – Fairy’s public website. Also, a very active comments section.
Membership is £20/renewed every 6 months - to inquire about fan club membership, send

with ‘Fan Club Membership’ in subject line.

Members are carefully screened before accepted to avoid unwanted abusive behaviour.

Keeping it positive for all of Fairy’s adoring fans. Serious supportive, devoted and very involved fans are the most welcomed.


Copyright © 2021 - 2025, Myaow Meeow Productions, viVid Photo Studio and Haze Theatre. All rights reserved.

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