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Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.

"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

Dearie Me

'Dearie Me' was said to have been a concept art that Freddie Mercury created for Queen's self-titled first album.


The following is an excerpt from glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury candid tell-all interview.

If you have not already, you can read the interview in its entirety, conducted by ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova

on the page Airy-Fairy.

My dears, I can hardly wait for you to see my new music video. I hope you know the lyrics, or a lot of the choreography Rudy did with it won’t make sense. ‘My Fairy King’ is quite theatrical.
The songs on is as follows: ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ (me performing it live during my Phoenix Reborn tour).

‘Lily Of The Valley’ and ‘My Fairy King’. We will present the video at the end of Rudy’s interview with me.


Pavlova (ballet danseur) – I’d like to add about the new video, at the end, you might need to turn the volume up, as many of you know, she speaks in a soft spoken sibilant purr just as Freddie did… I included Fairy speaking of learning

to play piano. This too is her being eerily incarnate of Freddie, because one of those I know who knew and worked with both Freddie and Nureyev was astonished beyond belief. He told me that Freddie, what is referred as ‘played (piano) by ear’, that he was unable to read music. The same man, when I had introduced him to Fairy, she nervously shyly laughed and the man clutched my arm as if about to faint, gasping, ‘no, this can’t be!’ He said that she is so identical

to Freddie, even the long slender nose that would ‘cutely wrinkle’ when s/he would laugh.

Gif below (right) is of Fairy doing that while laughing.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ In picking up where we left off, those asses made that film. Greg and I thought, well, since that joke of a film is doing so well and making Freddie relevant again, now would be the perfect time for me to attempt a ‘claim to fame’.
A lot of that is based on the lame, very predictable dullness, of those asses. You know, when it’s Freddie’s birthday or anniversary of his death, etc., that’s the best time to really press the publicity because you know it will be made a big deal over and people will be online doing searches and whatnot, and most likely if I had a website, it would show up in search results along with other things and sites about Freddie. So yeah, that was some of the marketing strategy that we worked out. Skipping over all the negative experience I encountered, I decided to be my unique self and make my own media and create a new approach at ‘fame’.

Pavlova (ballet danseur) – Which worked. In continuing to skip over the negativity, when an entertainer has a website, naturally one of the things – how they say? ‘Showcase’? Yes? Is their talents and, of course, photos… I curiously asked you, femmka, what was the very first ever video that you had created in attempt to showcase your talents. You had me watch the video, which actually is still on the site’s video page along with other earlier attempts. Very amateur. Choreograph attempts, that is. I am not talking of the songs, your performances that were added to the videos.

Those are superb. And she laughs ….

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I am laughing, dears! I can’t help but to, and I wish Rudy never curiously asked me. Weeelll, if you must. I had talked with Greg and told him, do you think you would be able to create videos for me? We can’t very well only have photos. So what does he do? He uses that Windows Movie Maker (which is now obsolete – remember all that diva drama he was doing over that, dears? **rolls eye lined eyes…) and he took me performing ‘We Will Rock You’ live (from soundboard) and attempted to make a video to accompany it. Below is the video:

It only got worse, Rudy darling!! He then did one of me performing ‘Somebody To Love’ (that was recorded in my London home) and again, using that Movie Maker, he tried to be different with ‘credits’ and messed that up as well! You’ll see on the videos page under the description of the video where that’s mentioned. I mean, my precious fans, acted as though they couldn't care less! They were so kind and supportive only carrying on over the performance and saying the mistakes made me real and not ‘some scripted flawed fake’ – as many put it. Mmm then you – how did you so theatrically put it, darling? I loved it! ‘Pirouetted, leaped and arabesque your way’ into my life. THAT was the turning point, in not only my music career, but also my life!

Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: I want to say about the video bit. I’m a photographer not a videographer! When you, Pavlova, were being frank with me several months ago about my amateur attempt at created music videos for Fae, I wasn’t offended. I was relieved that you stepped in and told me that you will now be in charge of choreographing videos for her. The ones you have created are astonishing! You never cease to amaze, such as the newest video you created for Fae. I’ll never forget, speaking of turning points, when you helped me put together the video of her performance of ‘All Dead, All Dead’ (my last attempt at creating videos for Killer Queen, fans!).

When you told me that at the end, the footage when she turns away, to use that spotlight effect. It was so theatrical – dramatic. The fans adored it and I thought then and there, well that’s sorted! I was relieved because I know my limitations and there was no way I was going to be churning out amateur rubbish for Fairy. I absolutely had any know how about creating videos! I used that Movie Maker, and it’s limited, simple and quite amateur options and basically felt my way around it. Adding music tracks, etc. I would present them to Fairy and asked her thoughts, she would only shrug and purr, ‘well, visual is the best. I’m not just going to put audio tracks on my site for fans to listen to. So, you’ve made the effort and it’s better than nothing.’ I knew she wanted better, and I just couldn’t deliver! As I said, I am a photographer, not a videographer!

"... there is much more to being an ‘entertainer’ than that" Russian ballet danseur Pavlova tells his fairy queen.

Right: viVid Photo Studio's Hastings photographs the glam rock queen emulating arms crossed Queen II Freddie pose.


Pavlova (ballet danseur) – If I may, it takes away from her very talented performances of the songs if you have a simple video that is comprised majorly of photographs or 'club quality' video (amateur shot 'bootleg' poor quality). You need to highlight her stage presence along with her performing the songs in order to promote her properly. Being from a privileged life and a bit naive about commoners, I actually find it funny, photographer. I tell my femmka that it reminds me of camp comedy of these amateur misfits trying to make the ‘big time’ and muddling along with barely a clue and making up what they think is the proper approach and not realizing all that goes into it. She laughed when I did a comical impression of it. ‘I want to be a glam rock star!

I didn’t sign up for this! I’m supposed to get on stages and perform and be adored by millions!’ No, baby, there is much more to being an ‘entertainer’ than that. Of, course, I forget how she is when I call her this and she gaspily shyly purrs, ‘whaaat?! I mean ….’ and off the shy lovely creature goes, so interview ended up delayed some more.

These songs are ‘themed’ with this interview. ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ is about trying to pursue being a star. The breathtaking ‘Lily Of The Valley’ – her vocals so very effeminate – androgynous and so very Freddie, is about a search for answers and ‘My Fairy King’ is the too obvious. Mentioned in Fairy’s profile and her explanation of why she changed her name to ‘Fairy’ as not only a stage name for her legal name and taking on ‘Mercury’ of her beloved idol.
The song is most definitely ‘airy-fairy’ and I made the particular part of the video theatrical.
I have Fairy tell of this.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I got together with my mock-up Queen band and I told them, I would like to tackle doing

‘My Fairy King’. Do you guys think you could emulate the backing vocals?
We had to do several takes in order for them to get it right. I had no issues with Freddie’s lead.
When I watched the end results of the video Rudy had produced for all three songs/performances,
I once again was awestruck at his choreograph talents. Again, you need to really pay attention to the footage placement he’s done along with knowing the lyrics to the songs. Only then can you truly enjoy the video to it’s fullest, dears. I am doing the honours myself this time, to present the music video. Eek! I’m, as always, nervous to look at the fan club comments to see what all of you will think of it, luvies! We will start the new page 'Dearie Me' soon,

and discuss it further. Enjoy!

Read the interview in its entirety on page Airy-Fairy (note: Greg Hastings last attempt at creating videos for the divine lush creature ended with the one of her performance of 'My Melancholy Blues' - he was actually improving ... 😄😅🤭)

Discussion of the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's new music video will continue soon. Including one Loyal Subject,

Dennis Auburn's spot on analysis of what Pavlova meant by 'songs are ‘themed’ with this interview'.

A Loyal Subjects' Perspective

Dennis Auburn (fan) taken from fan club comments: The interview and Fairy’s new music video is so W-O-W!!

Unique, like everything else, our glam rock queen and her princely ballet bad boy. Pavlova mentioned the songs on the video were themed around the interview, which in itself is unique. ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ (the song written by Brian May) obviously is about a person’s struggles through life. I was totally in awe what Pavlova did with the video when Fairy is singing, ‘be a superstar’. The stars effect and the concert footage of Fairy was so half naked tart; erotic!

Then the footage of the ballet bad boy on ‘brought to me on silver trays’ having a tray of tea brought into the dressing room he is in. I mean, such brilliant choreography and work of theatrical art!

(below gif of Fairy with her diamond claws and Pavlova, created by fan Dennis Auburn and is not for use other than

on this site)

Then ‘Lily Of The Valley’. The lovely effeminate/androgynous lilting purr vocals of Fairy, sounding remarkably like Freddie! Emotional. Needless to say, the concert footage of our glam rock Killer Queen speechlessly captured Freddie’s stage presence. Pavlova’s ballet dancing is always a thing to be envied. You guys admiring him and trying to take up ballet lessons and finding it so bloody hard. HA! ‘Lord of dance’ Nureyev predecessor. How the song is ‘themed’ is the touching moment during the interview where the ballet bad boy mentions how he was at Nureyev’s graveside and lilies, symbolic of the ballet Giselle, were tossed in onto the casket along with his ballet slippers.

I believe it’s most likely why Fairy chose to perform that particular Queen (Freddie written) song.

‘The best to last’ is not lame when it comes to ‘My Fairy King’.
The majority of her fans were like ‘whaaat?!’. You could almost see jaws drop when her PR man Jorge Schumann plugged the divine lush creature and her mock-up Queen band were to tackle the ‘airy-fairy’ (of course, Freddie written) song. I just had to hear it and, man, was it worth it!!

Again, I was left in awe (along with all Loyal Subjects). It was quite theatrical what Pavlova did with it. The concert footage of Fairy in the fairy winged frock and him at that table drinking erm… wine? Where’s the cherry brandy or Russian vodka? C’mon! Seriously. It played out almost as if the parts of Fairy were his thoughts as he was ‘down and out’ – ‘Mother Mercury, what have you done to me?’ and the ‘fairy circle ring’ being broken and ‘shamed the king in all his pride’. The lord of dance, looking haughty (like a proud king, although he’s so princely and dances as the prince in ballets). The most magnificent was ‘drained the colour from my wings’.
The footage of Fairy in the fairy winged frock, arms spread displaying its white satin ‘wings’ pleated sleeves.

You can’t get more awestruck than that!

Then the added bonus at the end. Fairy talking of playing piano by ear making her even more incarnate of Freddie, because he too played by ear.

:: Coming Soon - Fairy and Pavlova, along with Greg Hastings ... discuss the featured fan comment, making of the video and soooo much more!! Note to fan Dennis Auburn, we might seriously hire you for reviews, interested?

Btw, mate, he is not drinking wine. Where's the wine glass? People don't drink wine out of that type of glass. We were seriously impressed by your 'review' and this offer to you is genuine. Fairy and Pavlova themselves are offering it to you. Email the site. J. Schumann (PR for FM)

Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: The fan Dennis Auburn’s review of the video was brilliant, although he failed to mention throughout, was concert footage of Fairy wearing the white satin catsuit that she replicated. As you fans know, between myself and Philip Goldman (my assistant photographer) we film Fairy’s concerts so we can use footage for things like music videos. Actually, that started to get overwhelming, as many long time fans might remember, it’s why

I hired an assistant. Because I was trying to alter between taking photos and filming, and it got too much.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Making of my music videos is always fun, dears. What we do is ask Greg and Phil for concert footage and go through it trying to find ‘highlights’ – parts that stand out, to include and definitely Rudy looks for things that would make for good choreograph, to tie in to the lyrics of the songs. Any ‘offstage’ material is usually things Rudy and I filmed of each other or one of my entourage (most likely Phil or Greg) filmed of one of us at any given moment.

Pavlova (ballet danseur) – ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ seems like a song about someone trying to keep a positive attitude about the struggles of life and trying to improve their situation. That perfectly fit into the interview I did with my femmka. Her struggles to get where she is today in her pursuit to be a successful entertainer. Going from virtual unknown playing small clubs in and around London to building a fan base and touring (playing larger venues and being ‘headline act’ who people – fans – are paying to see). ‘Lily Of The Valley’ she did perform especially for video. Which themed with the interview of seeking answers. Yes, Fairy did also want to perform it because of the ballet of Giselle, fan pointed out in review. I tell my femmka, have you ever considered performing this ‘My Fairy King’? That would perfectly theme, fitting with part of interview about name change.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Both ‘Lily Of The Valley’ and ‘My Fairy King’ are just a few of Freddie’s ‘airy-fairy’ lyrics. When Rudy suggested for me to perform ‘My Fairy King’, I laughed! I told him, Rudy darling, that is one complicated song with a lot of harmonizing. He was sat on me doing it. I was concerned whether my mock-up Queen band would be able to do the backing tracks. I wasn’t all that concerned if I could handle Freddie’s lead. I knew I could. We managed, they did a lovely job. One of you, my precious fans, got emotional and pointed out something I thought was very clever.

I asked Rudy about it, and he told me that no, he didn’t intentionally end the video as he did. One of you posted in the fan club comments, how it ended was eerily reminiscent of how he had my video of ‘All Dead, All Dead’ end. Footage of me turning away.

The fan had written (I’ll copy/paste part of it, if you don’t mind) ‘… it was almost like coming full circle. As you guys remember, ‘All Dead, All Dead’ was the very first video our glam rock queen’s princely ballet bad boy choreographed for her shortly after they met. Greg (Hastings) talked about how Pavlova helped him choreograph it. And told him, the footage at the end, when Fairy turns away, to use the spotlight effect to make it theatrically dramatic. There’s the footage of her turning away on the new video and the credits come on. The ending was so reminiscent of the very first video he choreographed for her.’

It was a Freddie stage presence trademark I’ve observed in studying him and his stage presence in order to emulate some of it. He would prance to the front of the stage and do something theatrically dramatic, such as the arms spread displaying the winged frock then do this dramatic pivot turn away from the audience. Which s/he got from how

Liza (Minnelli) ended her performance of ‘Cabaret’ on the film.

Pavlova (ballet danseur) – Making videos is always fun. We might make another one very soon. As for fan who pointed the similar endings out, it’s interesting the fan had noticed. As my femmka points out, Freddie was known for this,

and it does make for theatrical good ending. The photographer is embarrassed. My femmka purrs, ‘you tend to be

a bully towards other boys (I think, I am hardly a boy, baby…) please consider Greg is a bit sensitive.’

Apparently, photographer became upset that Jorge (Schumann) teased about ‘improving’ in last video attempt he did for her ‘My Melancholy Blues’ video. Ah yes, I remember that day fine. She comes into Haze Theatre, excitedly purring her and her photographer had just finished putting together new music video for her. (What was it on? Oh yes,

A Rhapsodic Fairy ... Tale). We had just met. Only a very few months into working relationship (not romantic yet, at that point…). Several months after, she decides it’s about time she presents adoring fans with new music video and wants it to be her performing ‘All Dead, All Dead’. I suggest that I help choreograph it. Of course, exotic feline creature is excited for this idea.

It was the first I associated with photographer. He had that Movie Maker and anyone not familiar with it, it was very amateur and limited. I kept telling myself, this is commoner, they work with things as this, so I must be professional. Keep criticism to self. No bully, femmka!! … He has footage and I go through it. Particular ending footage I used, I tell him, this will be how video ends. As soon as she turns away, use the spotlight effect this has. It’s all about timing.

If it’s off, then it loses the theatrical. I think then, he realized there was much that goes into it and not just – how they say? ‘Fancy effects’ thrown in here and there. I realized that, well, what he himself said. If he kept on being in charge

of creating music videos for her, it would continue to be an amateur, unprofessional disaster. I am glad he realized his limitations.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I’m not trying to embarrass him, Rudy darling, but you saw how he became such an insufferable diva over Movie Maker became obsolete and how he got upset because he had the obligation (so he thought) to create another video for me. Because I said it probably was about time I presented my honies another music video. Then Windows upgraded, and he had that photo editor software that wasn’t compatible with Win10 or 11.

Remember how you yourself had to tell him that I’ve evolved and have more people working for me, and it wasn’t up to him to take on handling photographing, video, etc. of me? That was when he came to terms and the worse was over about the struggle of ‘the beginnings’. I’m laughing, dears, I’m sorry, I can’t help it. He was such a diva over it, he had my authorized buyer get him an old relic laptop just so he can keep using that photo editor software.
(so me and Rudy Pavlova right now if you were to see us, dears)

Not For Use

Not For Use

Pavlova (ballet danseur) – It is very funny, femmka. She tells me he was behaving a little bit of diva over new video, having noticed viVid Photo Studio was absent from credits. There is no point in trying to tell her, this shows I am not ‘perfect prince’. I did forget to include it in the credits, so I guess I owe photographer an apology. In ballet, you don’t only dance. It’s choreographed. So you must learn ‘method acting’. Such as expressions, etc. It is like the old art of ‘mime’. The lovely creature tries to embarrass me purring, ‘aren’t you going to talk about you being a theatrically dramatic sexy actor on the drinking part, dear?’ I do her leaving the room she is fond of whenever I accidentally call

her ‘baby’ … This is considered rude in etiquette. But this I do. I am surprised that the feline creature slinks after me. Apparently now, she desires to give me a blow job with those … erotic … glossed full sensuous lips of hers … So we must be off ... I very much like the gif fan made.   ...... More Soon.

Not For Use

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I just can't right now, dears!! I'll get to that in a moment because first off, I'd like to say that we have added a 'visitor counter' to my site. You can see it displayed under the contacts info. Showing off how many of you honies are looking at my site. Now for what I started to say. I'm being a right campy bitch. It's going to be full of 'cryptic' and I don't care who's reading ... Who's ready to have their stocking ... stuffed ... for Xmas?? ...

Left is me in the replicated white satin catsuit I made. I usually wear it unzipped a little lower than that to show off my midriff, which Rudy adores to cum on (or my 'tits') ... and about that blow job I gave him ... Oh, wouldn't you just love to hear about that, dears? ... I was having a bit of a nose, my precious fans. And had it translated from Russian to English by Ron Craster. You know, the Pavlova valet also stage director at Haze Theatre. Oh yes, that one! Apparently, one of those 'important people', you know, those high society aristocrats ... well, here is what was translated to me: 'your femmka seems to have corrupted you. Should you be spoken of and treated like a commoner now? You know it is not proper to publicly discuss sex life. Yet you get on that half naked creature's website and announce to the world your sexual activity for all to read.' The reply, also translated from Russian ... 'the fans are commoners.' Translated reply to that: 'No, you are wrong, Rudolf Pavlova! You seem to forget our society are looking and ready as well. Your femmka entertains commoners.' Translated reply to that: 'Nureyev was rebel. He desired the forbidden. We discuss this no further. I love her and will cast aside anything for her.'

Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: I had to laugh, Fae, over ‘half naked creature’. Yet there are two photos of Pavlova on your site completely naked.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Because ballet is art and that includes ‘nudity is art’. I am art with two t’s – tart. HA!

Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Right. 😄😅 I wonder if he'll reply on or off here after reading what you wrote.

I'm surprised Ron Crater is never fired for assisting you in translating you having a nose. LOL!


Pavlova (ballet danseur) – Well then, I suppose Santa should see about ‘stocking stuffers’… There are many sexual innuendos one can ‘read’ into it, baby … The unruly creature likes to offend ‘those people’. One day curiosity is going to, how they say? ‘get the best of’ the curious feline creature. Ronnie old boy, who can’t turn down the desirous cunning femmka. As the French say, ‘belle demoiselle in distress’. When there is Russian spoken (I speak very poorly English,

as Nureyev did…) Ron tells me when I confront him, she pouts (ah, those lips…) and purrs, ‘he is my husband! I have every right to know what he is saying!’ So he translates for curious feline, and it happens to be about her, what is being discussed in my Russian.

I nearly blush over what the unruly creature found necessary to – how they say? ‘Reveal’ that I supposedly ‘adore’ doing to certain parts of her enticing anatomy during sex. Of course, as were her intentions, she offends ‘these people’ even more and there are more phone calls to me. I laugh. The man who I speak of during interview, who spoke of the ‘cute wrinkle’ of nose when she laughs (just as Freddie did), he phones.

He tells me, ‘Nureyev kept his forbidden desire a secret, and it's why his romance with ‘I am now dating a rock star’, as he stated in an interview (that ‘rock star’ being Freddie), was well hidden until after their death. Although, some fool in Queen’s entourage got upset with Freddie and foolishly blurted it to the press in an idiotic get even attempt (when they were still alive, that is).’ He then says, ‘Fairy is very talented – exotic beauty. Very Freddie. Sir Joseph Lockwood (head of Queen’s record label EMI back then and chairmen of the Royal Ballet) would have been very impressed and taken by her talents and extreme likeness to Freddie.' I tell this respectable man, well, neither my femmka nor I are ‘hidden’ as they were. We are openly and proudly gay. Of course, her recent unruly sexual remarks, spread through high society (they do love their gossip…) They must respect me …

I am not one for modesty … and most certainly, Fairy is not either.

We will be revising Fairy's profile page next. More coming soon to this page. Fairy's Xmas plans.

Hello dears. Here I am now on my public site. We had so much naughty fun on my fan club site the past few days.

The fan (Curtis Reilly) who made the emotional 'full circle' comment I mentioned last on my public site, about my new video and how it ended, he mentioned we should do a part 2 of the interview with me. Many of you commented on his comment suggesting this. We weren't finished with the interview, my precious fans, since many of you were under the impression that we were!! We wanted to finish up what we were doing on my fan club site.

Love and kisses to you all, darlings. We will continue it soon.

(picture right, is me in my black satin replicated catsuit)

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Above: viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings' last attempt at videography. RIP Windows Movie Maker.  He really was improving, though ... Right. Where was I? Coming soon, the lord of dance Rudolf Pavlova discusses with the glam rock Killer Queen, details of her Xmas extravaganza (defined: elaborate musical theatre production) Be Naughty Not Nice!

And much more!!

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Oh my god! Quit being a cheeky bugger, Jorge! HA!! (secretively laugh so hard right now).

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Scroll up to our laughing gifs ... We discuss video choreographing more, yes? ...

Femmka, I am still curious as to why your beloved idol named the concept art 'Dearie Me'. I asked ... someone ... one of 'those people' ... the meaning, because my Russian has never heard. I was told it's a British exclamation of surprise or dismay. Anyway, I can hardly wait until adoring fans hear details of Fairy's Xmas concert.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ For my precious fans who don't have the auction book, the Dearie Me concept art is strange.

S/he (Freddie, that is) was obviously being silly. It was obviously a drawing s/he did of the band. All of them have very long curly hair like those old Victorian wigs men would wear and dressed in regal regalia (a lot like Rudy in his tunic prince look but with frock coats). On it, s/he has written 'Dearie Me'. There's a drawing of a lute (so bard-like).

Rudy darling, I just can't, what you wrote about 'scroll up to our laughing gifs' (you and your Nureyev humour!!)

Laughing so hard, I went to slap him, and he was so fucking sexy, quickly stopping me, and kissed the back of my hand breathing on it, 'no slap - forbidden'

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - We discuss fond memories of Haze Theatre 2021 Xmas concert. Fairy and I met August of that year. I remember her purring, ‘Darling, I have another idea I know my precious fans will just love. Let me perform a weekend here in Haze Theatre.’ (ref. pg. Will You Do The Fandango?) I came up with the idea that she perform a Xmas show at Haze Theatre. It was slated for the 17 & 18. On Xmas itself, her and I spent Xmas together. The start of our intimate relationship. It was the first time the unruly Bohemian way of life Persian creature stepped foot in my Cambridge estate. Do you remember as well as I, femmka?

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Aww, talking of 'My Melancholy Blues' ... I'm sad now! Flight Of The Fairy (hashtag on photo of me) was the first ever tour I did. My precious fans constantly ask if the page on my public site of that name will ever see the light of day. Those days were hard memories, dears! Rudy darling, 'will you do the Fandango?' (from Queen's magnificent 'Bohemian Rhapsody') were the very first words you spoke to me when we met. Remember that? I'll never forget! I was such a shy little tart! You wanted to dance with me and I just fled, leaving behind my snake arm bracelet like some fucking Cinderella wanting the gorgeous prince to return it to me. I had never seen such splendour than your Cambridge estate then your Vienna one (where we married the following summer, on my birthday). Then Haze Theatre!It was the first ever large audience I performed for.

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - I wish not to be mean and most definitely not to my femmka, but what you write, I have to laugh, baby ... 'I was such a shy little tart' But you're not any more? ... The shyness is lovely ... I was greatly amused by it, the leaving behind of bracelet. As the French say, 'tête-à-tête'. I thought, yes, this is my Freddie who will complete me.

The naughty alluring tease. (I can imagine I'll be left on here by myself now as shy creature quits conversation...)

So I say, спокойной ночи фанаты

This is funny, although campy queen, she does not like to be teased. She is fond to tease though ... Sir Thomas tells me, 'it is funny. [omitted]  So this 'divine lush creature' speaks in past tense as though she is no longer 'shy little tart'.

Of course, she reads what I wrote, and I am told by valet she has slinked off to bed, obviously feigning tired.

Hmm. What shall I do when I go off to bed to her? ......

Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): I know I'm not supposed to participate, only plug my promos for Fairy, but that is funny what you wrote, Pavlova. It's all in the phrasing. I take it your femmka wasn't at your side when reading what you wrote.

I can almost picture her reaction. He is right, Loyal Subjects, Fairy does not like to be teased whatsoever, but man, she is very fond of teasing. Kind of like what she does to that poor Greg Hastings ... (diva bit). Very sexual, like Freddie was said to be ...

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Jorge, I have a problem saying no to those lips ..

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Oh my god, darlings! Apparently, someone is living up to 'Be Naughty Not Nice'!!! I for real just can't! He comes to bed and presses ... himself against my back, ass ... breathing into the back of my midnight black hair head,  'I long for you, baby. My cock longs for you. Give yourself to me.' I got out of bed!! I mean, are you drunk or what?! What has got into him?! Oh, wait. That's just how he usually is ... Obviously, something made him ... aroused ...

I took off into the bathroom and I could hear him saying something in Russian. I actually phoned his valet to ask him to translate it. I felt like a fool trying to pronounce what I thought was said. His valet told me he was saying, 'so much for that? Isn't that what they say? So much for that?! Why are you a cock teaser, femmka?!' I mean, I am just going to head to my London home, to bed with my precious kitties. Details of 'Be Naughty Not Nice' this weekend. Ticket sales, etc.

Sweet dreams, dears.

Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): If I may, most likely the snake bracelet and expecting him to be princely by returning it to you. Perceived as scandalous invite into 'forbidden pleasures' ... Btw, Greg, if you're reading (I'm sure you are), I am not trying to patronize you. Your last attempt at 'videography' was actually good. Stunning footage of Fairy, and her performance of 'My Melancholy Blues' is so Freddie, like every performance she does. Exceptionally talented.

Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Thank you, Jorge. Since you're promoting Fae's 'Be Naughty Not Nice' Xmas concert, fans would be interested to learn, that the footage on that video was originally intended to promote her Xmas plans that particular year (2021). Why I was creating it for her. When we finished it, and she excitedly showed Pavlova it, and he was impressed by it, she decided to ask him about performing at Haze Theatre, scrapping her original plans which would have kept her stuck in that small club/venue environment. You're right, her performance is so killer, just like all the rest. Of course, you can hear her Loyal Subjects reaction on it. That says it all.

We will be on soon, my precious fans. When we do come on, we're going to discuss the 'My Melancholy Blues' video and the things that took place during the time it was created, which Greg touched on.  xx Fairy


​Tickets giveaway to my Xmas concert will be next up along with continuing the discussion Greg started.

Thank you for your fandom.


viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings to reveal an all new glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury photo shoot!

All right, my dears, on with the show. It will probably take me a while to get back into things after the spectacle that happened. The tickets giveaway is exclusively only for fan club members. I don't know why my PR man was plugging it on my public site, whereas he should have been on my fan club site. So my precious fans who have fan club membership, you will find all the details on how to enter and win the exclusive only 5 tickets that will be given away.

We're not even going to trash up my site discussing the spectacle. Actually, everyone (myself especially) is so over it now. Distant, who cares, memory. Rudy kept asking me 'are we the star crossed lovers Romeo and Juliette, femmka?'

I kept screaming like a wild cat, 'no, omg don't say that or even apply it, Rudy darling!!' The stupidity quit, and that's all we honestly care about. - Fairy

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Fairy's adoring fans, I tell her it's not worth being upset or even angry over. Some people are fools. All they do is miss the point and end up laughed at. Then you get fools who don't pay attention and don't read. As did Nureyev, I have danced the role of Romeo in the ballet of Romeo and Juliette. Tragic. I will always favour the ballet of Giselle. Our discussing my femmka's new video we made for her. Continuing the interview I was doing with her and our discussing the other video and Xmas plans, all ruined all due to meddling spectacle. We've dealt with it, and we will try to resume tomorrow. We felt it best we post to you, her adoring fans, know everything is fine. As Fairy wrote, 'distant memory'. We've already moved on from it. Boring. Expect the site to become active again as of tomorrow.

Jorge Schumann (PR for FM) - Apparently the man Pavlova spoke about who nearly fainted over Fairy's extreme likeness to Freddie (the nose wrinkle when laughing bit) paid a visit to Pavlova's Cambridge estate. Fairy was left blown away by some of the very intimate details the man shared about Freddie sexually and 'her' in love obsession with Nureyev. Most likely, that will be a topic for discussion when they come on again.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ You will want to hear about the visit from that man. He knew Sir Joseph Lockwood very well

(head of EMI Queen's record label and chairman of the Royal Ballet). I mean, much of it was hilarious! The man awkwardly using the word ... penis ... and Rudy replying, 'well then, that's quite the word.' I seriously can't wait until you hear about it, my dears.


I see London, I see France, I see Fairy's ... erm ... knickers and Pavlova's ....

Loyal Subjects, are you ready for what comes next?!

(photo left is glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury trying to be a ... ballerina ...


My precious fans, never mind the silliness of my PR man. I saw all of you really carried on, in the fan club comments, over what he wrote. Oh, Jorge, why don't you just come out and say it, Pavlova's ... penis ... I mean, who even uses

THAT word, dears? Except that classy elderly gentleman.  Ahem, any way. It's usually cock or dick ... We'll get to the visit soon. Trust me, you will want to hear about it. I could not believe some of the things the man told me and Rudy.

As you know, next weekend (20-21 Dec.) will be my two day Xmas concert event at the grand Haze Theatre. We have been VERY busy all week and most likely all next week, leading up to the event itself. I want it to be a magical theatrical event. We most definitely will be on my public site tomorrow. No more excuses! xx Fairy

--- Our deepest apologies, Loyal Subjects. We are experiencing issues and this will be delayed. Bad timing, since the glam rock Killer Queen will be doing final rehearsals for her Xmas shows all week. So don't expect much.

Hello, dears. It seems like ages since my public site was posted to. So here I am. We have such a wonderful time on my fan club site, though, don't we? Well, after Xmas, my public site will become active once again.

First things first. Many of you complained, so I had the crap edited ... Then I got to thinking, with the New Year approaching, I have decided I am going to make a few changes to my public site. Have mentions of some crap removed from my site (The homepage, at least) and the crap removed off a certain page. It would be too much to go through very old pages and edit, so it will be just left. Another thing I would like to say is that as of last night,

'United Shitty Assholes' (USA) and Germany has been blocked from viewing my site. Fans in Germany who have fan club membership will be the only ones allowed to view my public site. We have whitelisted your IPs.

Tickets for my Brighton show go on sale tomorrow. Of course, it will take place on New Year's Eve. Where we left off before we abandoned my public site, the interview Rudy Pavlova was doing with me. Brighton is where I got my start on my pursuit to be 'this day and age 1970s decade Freddie Mercury' that all of you have crowned me way back in 2019.

Omg! Has it been that long?! What a fantastical journey, full of ups and downs, it has been. I tell you!!

We'll see you after Xmas, my precious fans.  Once again, I can't thank those of you who attended my 2 nights Xmas concerts enough. You rocked your 'glam rock queen' hard and then some with your amazing support. xx Fairy

Hello, dears. It seems like ages since my public site was posted to. So here I am. We have such a wonderful time on my fan club site, though, don't we? Well, after Xmas, my public site will become active once again.

Tickets for my Brighton show go on sale tomorrow. Of course, it will take place on New Year's Eve. Where we left off before we abandoned my public site, the interview Rudy Pavlova was doing with me. Brighton is where I got my start on my pursuit to be 'this day and age 1970s decade Freddie Mercury' that all of you have crowned me way back in 2019.

Omg! Has it been that long?! What a fantastical journey, full of ups and downs, it has been. I tell you!!

We'll see you after Xmas, my precious fans.  Once again, I can't thank those of you who attended my 2 nights Xmas concerts enough. You rocked your 'glam rock queen' hard and then some with your amazing support. xx Fairy

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Fairy's adoring fans, are you ready to ring in the New Year with your 'glam rock queen'? She will be busy, again, with rehearsals. This time for her New Year's show in Brighton. We will try to be on over weekend leading up to this sold out event, which New Year's Even oddly falls on a Tuesday. I find these two gifs from the site's photo file to accompany what I post. The 'divine lush creature' Fairy in replicated (Freddie) silver sequin leotard. And myself in VIP section talking with venue owner.

Hello once again, dears. I am so pressed for time with rehearsals for my New Year's Eve show and am completely knackered. HA! Now, it would be a bit lame and predictable if I ... inserted ... the photos of myself and Rudy being knackered and the ridiculously naughty conversation below. I promise, it will be the last I post it, luvies. Yet, then again, maybe not. HA!!! What's odd about it is that it happened during a time I was set to play Brighton. Well, you know what? I think I will because I just loved that moment from the past. Before I do, speaking of the past, there are only 3 more days left, and we say farewell to 2024. The new year is a time for change. Whether it be relocating and a chance to start anew or getting married.
I told Rudy to be nice over what I'll be posting next. He keeps teasing me.

For those of you who will be unable to attend, awww - as Freddie being such a naughty tart once said during one of Queen's concerts, 'I wish I could fuck you all!' I only wish all of you could attend. The classy elderly gentleman, where we left off before things went crazy with Xmas and all else ... well, I'll get back to that in a moment. One thing you will be missing, being unable to attend my New Year's Eve concert is that my authorized buyer, the auction broker

Mr. Francis James Boyd will be marrying his partner Paul, on stage, during my concert!! Isn't that precious? Awww! Rudy keeps teasing me about being such a romantic over two elderly gentlemen finding love.

Now, about the one classy gentleman I spoke of, dears. I wish I could pack all of you in tight like Russian dolls.

(Matryoshka - Russian nesting dolls). The man gave me a recording of a Queen concert in Vienna from the Seventies where Freddie said to the fans, 'you're all pack in here like Russian dolls' He said that was Freddie being obsessed

with Rudolf Nureyev. I'll cherish the recording forever! I'll let my delectable Russian prince tell of the hilarious

awkward penis moment. Now, you thought this naughty tart was going to be the one to tell of it didn't you?

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - I tell of it later (it is 11pm here, for European fans, who tend to forget you are 1 hour ahead of England). Or perhaps I tell of it tomorrow, something has come up. We do not do this deliberate.

~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Rudy darling, you delay it to tease me. (That man is probably reading this and laughing, btw, dears). Now, I expect you to get on here before my New Year's Eve concert and talk about penises.

Cryptic message for my Marketing Director David Somes who will get it ... 💗 ...

So me over it (left) ... and talking about ... penises ....

Property of

Haze Theatre

Not For Use

Pavlova (ballet danseur) - As had been already stated about this man, he was very good friends with

Sir Joseph Lockwood who was head of Queen's record label EMI and was also chairman of the Royal Ballet. The man also knew both Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev. I had invited him to my Cambridge estate because he had something (the recording my femmka wrote of) he wanted to gift Fairy. Oh! My valet is calling me away. Important business matter. Will finish at a later time.

Message From Fairy Transferred From Fan Club Site:

I am so drunk off my tits and Rudy off his ass! What a night. Brighton, you rocked!! To be honest, I am glad the major holidays are now behind us. Rudy and I are knackered! We were invited to party after party New Year's Eve and day!

As promised, my precious fans, we will get my public site active again. Starting with Rudy Pavlova FINALLY getting around to talking about penises (picture me laughing hysterically). We have been so busy, dears! This week, we will be on the public site. Fan club members, as you know, coverage for my Brighton NYE show was exclusively for fan club members only.  Thank you for your comments, those who couldn't attend, and the support of those of you who were in attendance. Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy xx

Hello dears. Many of you have expressed liking 'candid'. So I have decided to let Pavlova's valet (who is also Haze Theatre's stage director and has done marvellous jobs on my past tours Fairy Soars and Phoenix Reborn) tell of where we left off before New Years. (Msg. to Ron, he likes them 'tucked' ...)

Omg! I hope all of you survived the holidays. Rudy and I barely did.

I am announcing this on my fan club site and my poor neglected public site. I am running a contest. I want Y-O-U,

my so appreciated fans, to come up with the name of my 2025 spring/summer UK/European tour! Details were posted on the fan club site. This contest is only open to fan club members.

Fairy Mercury campy queen quote of the day: 'The only female we accept are lesbians because they don't want anything to do with our dicks. Oh wait, do I even have one?'

Featured fan club comment (thousands were posted) from Keith Snyder in our beloved England:

'OMG! S/he is so androgynous!! Beyond hilarious!!'

Coming Soon. Ron Craster's (valet to Pavlova, Haze Theatre stage director) candid 'write up' on the 'Fairy...tale couple'

Excerpt from the write-up: '... the man then said to Pavlova, 'the penis makes the man, don't you think? Especially the gay man. The more well-endowed the better' Both the lord of dance and glam rock queen's response to it was hilarious!

Ron Craster's 'write-up' as follows:

I’m sure I don’t need to tell about the man’s ‘importance’. Both Fairy and Pavlova have explained him.

I am not allowed to revel his identity. The Russian ballet lord Rudolf Pavlova, had invited the man to his Cambridge estate. During the visit, the man had gifted the glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury

the recording s/he has mentioned:

...about the one classy gentleman I spoke of, dears. I wish I could pack all of you in tight like Russian dolls.

(Matryoshka - Russian nesting dolls). The man gave me a recording of a Queen concert in Vienna from the Seventies where Freddie said to the fans, 'you're all pack in here like Russian dolls' He said that was Freddie

being obsessed with Rudolf Nureyev. I'll cherish the recording forever!

He shared with them very intimate sexual details about Nureyev and Freddie’s secretly well-kept intimate relationship. Again, I am not allowed to reveal what it was that the man shared with them.

Although I can say this, it pertained to some things already known (books, etc.) Freddie ‘behaving like a right tart’ (as Fairy puts it) going about gay clubs asking men ‘how big is your cock?’ and Nureyev being known as ‘the most famous cock in theatre’ due to the well-endowed size of his cock outlined in his ballet leotards.

Above photos: mirror images of ballet and rock legends Nureyev and Freddie Mercury. Promo ad for Fairy Mercury's 2024 Phoenix Reborn tour which featured Rudolf Pavlova and his Haze Theatre troupe on tour with

the glam rock queen.

The man remarked to Pavlova, ‘you're a young aristocrat, Rudolf, so you prefer those improper four letter words (referring to ‘cock’ and ‘dick’ slang one calls the … phallus …) instead of being proper with penis.’ Fairy was seated beside Pavlova on the sofa. I could see Pavlova glance over at Fairy who noticeably looked embarrassed., lowered ‘her’ eye lined dark exotic eyes, glossed lips pressed in suppressed laughter, black nails left hand smoothing ‘her’ satin pant leg. Pavlova replied, ‘well, then, that’s quite the word’ swirling his cherry brandy, looking down in it also with suppressed laughter playing around his lips. The man then said, ‘yes, it’s proper. The penis makes the man. Especially the gay man. The more well-endowed the better.’

I watched as Fairy’s eyes closed as she sat slowly shaking ‘her’ midnight black hair head, obviously trying so hard not

to laugh and wanting so bad to leave the room. Fighting hard to be serious and … proper … Pavlova’s broken English Russian accent replied, ‘yes, most gay men are, yes? I prefer tucked. Well, not mine, of course.’ The man replied,

‘Well, of course.’ The ballet danseur then breathes, ‘why we deecuss thees?’ Fairy tosses her midnight black hair

over ‘her’ shoulder, sibilant purr purring, ‘I asked him if he would share intimate details on Nureyev and Freddie’s relationship, dear.’

Pavlova breathes, ‘ah yes, eets not appropriate, but he has obliged you, femmka.’ then to the man,

‘Forgive. She ees Bohemian way of life, as you must know. Like Freddie.’ The man gazes at the exotic divine lush creature who so eerily resembles the rock legend Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) slowly shaking his head saying,

‘just an unremarkable resemblance to Freddie. Unremarkable.’

Ron Craster's 'write-up' will appear on the new page Mild Sensation, starting off the page when it becomes available and where things will pick up from there. To be informed when the new page is available, or for any updates to the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's public site, we encourage fans to join the fan club (if you haven't already) or you can

subscribe for updates here.


Myaow Meeow Productions


Nothing on this site is Freddie Mercury nor is it to be mistaken for him.

Everything is who the site is about - Fairy Mercury lookalike/impersonator incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury.

Written material, photos and videos ARE NOT for use!

Permissions will not be given, so don't ask.



Photography: Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Philip Goldman, assistant photographer

A nod to Fairy's Courtiers

Flawless replica of Freddie Mercury's stage wardrobe for Fairy: Haze Theatre Costume Dept.

Management to Fairy Mercury: Haze Theatre / Myaow Meeow Productions

Web Design:  Greg Hastings, Fairy Mercury, Alonso Lafar

Artwork: Alonso Lafar, Haze Theatre Art Director and Fairy Mercury

All photos, gifs, video/recordings and content of Fairy Mercury are not to be saved to computers

or used without permission from viVid Photo Studio and Fairy Mercury's management.







Join the millions of adoring fans of glam rock queen superstar Fairy Mercury

Fan club membership includes: exclusive content (videos, photos, merchandise, etc.) not seen or available

on the incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury – Fairy’s public website. Also, a very active comments section.
Membership is £20/renewed every 6 months - to inquire about fan club membership, send

with ‘Fan Club Membership’ in subject line.

Members are carefully screened before accepted to avoid unwanted abusive behaviour.

Keeping it positive for all of Fairy’s adoring fans. Serious supportive, devoted and very involved fans are the most welcomed.

Copyright © 2021 - 2025, Myaow Meeow Productions, viVid Photo Studio and Haze Theatre. All rights reserved.

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