Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

Satin Queen
Hello dears. How I wish the weekend didn't end. I had so much fun. Week days are rather dull, boring and uneventful. At least in my life anyways because I live for the stage. To perform before you, my precious fans.The next page that will be revised will the the page Exotic, Erotic and Elegant (aka Satin Queen). This page is so ancient!! My delectably handsome Russian prince Pavlova and I were reading through it and as any very long time fan of mine would know, the things on the page are from at least 2 maybe even 3 years ago!! When my career was still a baby. It reminded me of the things my PR man (and web designer) had said about my profile being a bit outdated.
Then Pavlova pointed something out to me. My ticket sales this tour VS last tour. The 'making history' section at the top of the home page will be replaced with the current figures.
My Leeds shows sold out in 30 mins. -- Current tour: sold out in 8
My Manchester shows in under 30 -- Current tour: sold out in 10
My (current) London shows in 20 mins! -- Sold out in 15
Brighton currently sold in 8 -- last tour it was 12
Haze Theatre with it's large capacity took longer to sell, but 15 minutes is an amazing short time to sell out TWO nights of that many tickets. Brighton and Leeds are slightly smaller venues - but look at the difference!! 30 mins. VS only 8 for TWO nights tickets.
I strongly believe my involvement in Haze Theatre/Pavlova and me having 'reinvented' myself; boosted more of an interest in me/my talents as incarnate of '70s decade Freddie Mercury - 'this day and age '70s FM' as you, my darlings, crowned me. Along with dropping all the negativity and toxic creeps I had as entourage. Going back to the page we will be revising next (all of this will be added to the page - take it as an intro. into it). The page is about the classic rock DJ Ron A. and me appearing on his radio spot. Ron A. has long quit radio as of over a year ago. I have distanced myself from that for promotion. It's as Ron A. stated in the discussion with me,'obsolete'. Having an internet presence is the more modern and best way to promote. At least for me. Certain things work for certain people and you have to go with what works and phase out what doesn't. Or you won't succeed and I learned that these past few years in my climb to fame.
The page will be heavily edited because that toxic creep former manager/agent of mine appears on the page quite a bit. I can't express how much I love my life and my career/fame more than ever now that I have found my Nureyev who completes me in my pursuit to prance follow in the ballet slippers footsteps of my beloved idol Freddie Mercury. I will end with this. I come to you in spirit form because I have died, my dears, over how overwhelmingly scary how reincarnation/incarnate identical Pavlova and I are of Freddie Mercury and Nureyev!
The new thing I read and again, realize these things happened BEFORE I read them! That 'new the book' as I have been calling it, someone in it saying, 'Freddie was the only one who could calm his (Nureyev's) fiery temper.'As you know, dears, today is Tues. tea with the wildly hysterical old couple. I confronted them. They sat staring at me looking astonished ('unruly' - 'prima' and I am obviously 'out of line' with their prim and proper etiquette) and I didn't care!! I showed that old bird in that book where it said that and asked her, 'coincidental, isn't it?! Did you know my idol and Nureyev? Is that why you said what you did to me?! That I would be the only one to calm Pavlova who also has the Russian temper of Nureyev?!'

Of course, I wasn't replied to. Pavlova came into the room (I waited until he was gone to confront). He had them leave and I told him, if we are to be married in Sept. - the 5th - my idol's birthday ... I want you to answer me something, Rudy darling! You know very important people and you come from a wealthy lineage.Do you know people who actually knew Freddie and Nureyev?! First the tell-all my costume designer so interestingly posted that slightly pissed me off he kept from me, that Dame Eleanor - then I told him what I just did about the book and the coincidence that old bird having said what she did to me that one day at tea! It's just really crazy! Because it's not made up and here we are literally living their lives! Because as I said, my darlings, those things about myself and Pavlova from out of 'the book' happened BEFORE I got 'the book'.
When I took up my idol worship of '70s decade Freddie Mercury after being told so much how identical I look to him from that time. Deciding I wanted to be him so bad, I made a living of it. My aspirations I literally live for - to be my idol Freddie Mercury. I remember obtaining everything and anything I could to learn more about him. It for real became what the fan (Jay Pullman in Brighton) wrote:

Because I remember reading (such as the book section scans on my profile and throughout my public site) and showing my costume designer and photographer it and thinking, 'this is so crazy! How is it that I am so much like Freddie and not only in looks?! I mean, even my personality, likes, etc. 'mirrors' ... him?!' They thought it bizarre and were in awe and left at loss for words. I remember Greg (my photographer) saying tome one day, 'you're not a lookalike - impersonator or whatever - you're the incarnate of '70s decade FM!' I mean it, dears, it is not a fucking act - made up! I for real naturally am campy, effeminate (queen), overly sexual and everything else my idol was. So, I have asked Pavlova to show me these diaries and the will this Dame Eleanor left behind after what my costume designer was being so tell-all with. I know you, as my ever so devoted supportive fans, will want to know as well. Tomorrow I am off to Leeds for rehearsals. xx Fairy
Btw, I got it back ......

Note from Jorge Schumann (PR & website designer for FM) - Glam rock queen Fairy Mercury's fans, I have my work cut out for me. That page she has just announced will be up next for revisions oddly was published in embedded format. If you don't know the jargon, I won't bore you with it. As she also mentioned, what she has just know posted will be transferred to the page as the start before breaking to the 'revisited' section.It's just weird to watch the caterpillar morph into an amazingly breathtaking butterfly. That is so Fairy. The shakey start and all the bs to where she has gotten now - literally a glam rock queen mega superstar.
The comments so many of you are leaving on the fan club comments section agreeing with the part where Fairy wrote: I strongly believe my involvement in Haze Theatre/Pavlova and me having 'reinvented' myself; boosted more of an interest in me/my talents as incarnate of '70s decade Freddie Mercury - 'this day and age '70s FM' as you,my darlings, crowned me. Along with dropping all the negativity and toxic creeps I had as entourage.
It's the too obvious. Fairy, as for you trying to solve 'the mystery' of Pavlova .... Ron Craster and I have been employed with Haze Theatre for many years .... 'confidences are not to be broken' is something you're sworn by. The man for real is that obsessively in love with you and I believe would be your Romeo in the ballet of Romeo and Juliet. That he would literally die for you. It was sad about 'the book' and how Nureyev was very in love with Freddie Mercury and what you shared on your fan club, that when Nureyev knew he was finally dying of AIDS he was to die in the year of the monkey and if he didn't die that certain moment, he would 'never meet the love of my life Freddie Mercury in the astral world' That he did die before January ended and they were completed. Then you wrote about how that man who wrote 'the book' talking about Freddie's lifelong crush on Nureyev.
We break here for the 'revisited' section followed by the present.
**Note from Jorge Schumann (PR to FM) - in explaining the 'Revisited' sections on several pages on Fairy's site.They were old pages, before she met Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova, that she wanted saved but redone and edited. They were of a time when her career was just starting and she was 'testing the waters' going on a 'mini tour' of cities in and around the London. What she named 'Flight of the Fairy'. Her fame soared upon meeting her Nureyev (Pavlova). She embarked on the highly successful 'Flight of the Fairy ... Revisited' tour, in which she toured 22 tour dates in major cities throughout England.
To Fairy's adoring fans. We know you continue to be upset and disappointed on the private account's comments section that the DJ's interview was scrapped and without explanation. I wish I could provide one but I can't.
This weekend our star Fairy Mercury's personal photographer will engage in conversation with the classic rock
DJ 'Ron A. A candid upfront telling conversation about Fairy and a few surprises.

Fairy Mercury's adoring fans, here is a sneak peek at what's in store for this weekend. I will be discussing what Fairy had said in this quote from him:
"I'm not into my fucking jealous rivals - other boring 'entertainers'. As that DJ was to make a point of in the interview - everyone obsesses over me and all my clownish rivals are putting the world to sleep. Yet the fucking world still refuses to 'report' on me. I have my unique and quite original fame including my own 'media'. I outdo the entire dull lot of them. In my precious fans' eyes, the sooooooo serious sods couldn't do me justice anyways (rolls eye lined eyes with a flick of the wrist). I mean, they literally don't care. If it's not about me - the famous queen Freddie Mercury incarnate, they aren't interested. " - Fairy Mercury
.... and so much more! In the meanwhile, do listen to/watch the videos in this particular post ... Amazing talent and that 'sibilant purr' exotic accent identical to the real Freddie Mercury. See you then. Classic rock DJ Ron A.
Well finally here I am. I was jokingly telling the ever so elegant Fairy that it's almost like there's a curse trying to prevent this from ever seeing the light of day. It was first put off because I fell ill with a horrible flu. Then Fairy fell into an extreme depressed state delaying it even more. Weekend 3. I lose my notes!!! I've found them and endless apologies to you, his devoted fans. Thank you for your patience.

Following Fairy's sites - it's crazy how he has two. His private one and this public one. The public one sadly became a spectacle but that's being sorted, once again. Hopefully this time for good. Anyways, following his sites and making notes in preparation, he has become very well known so it's safe to say that he is very famous - a 'superstar'. So I have to agree with his fans demands that he needs to be embraced as 'this day and age Freddie Mercury'.
Not just that, but he is amazingly the spitting image of the legendary 1970s rock icon.

​His longtime personal photographer Greg Hastings was kind enough to go through his thousands of photos he has taken of Fairy for me to include with my post. Photos that won't be included in the photo book: 'Fairy Mercury Mirror Image - Becoming Freddie Mercury' which will be out in April. Pre-order for the book started a few weeks ago and is only available to fans through his private website. Along with the live compilations cd. A double effort: ‘A Night At The Ballet’ and ‘A Day At The Park’ (takes from Queen’s ‘A Night At The Opera’ and ‘A Day At The Races’ albums).

Not that long ago (it can be heard on the private account), I had Fairy featured on my radio spot. A brief interview where he talked about emulating Freddie Mercury, his success and career. He graced listeners with a partial performance of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Many older fans of Queen who grew up during the height of the band's success - the 1970s, would know that fans heavily relied on rock magazines and radio to keep informed about their favorite rock stars.
Sadly those days are gone. A lot of radio and magazines, even media, have basically become obsolete with the coming of age of 'the internet'. Fairy Mercury is a very unique stands out superstar/entertainer in so many ways. Such as his one of a kind way he creates his own 'media' through his websites. Something he has become 'famous' for doing. His interaction with fans is unique. He pushes boundaries in being not only 'overly sexual' as his beloved idol Freddie Mercury was said to be, but he unashamedly, unabashedly displays the gay sexuality/lifestyle that he leads. Earning him praises from many of his adoring fans that he is how Freddie Mercury should have been. Openly gay - unhidden.

Full glossed lips and eye lined eyes. Looking every inch the exotic Persian
If you are a new unfamiliar fan of Fairy Mercury or a long time fan, his profile is well worth the read over and over. It's not surprising it is the section on FairyMercury.com that has the most 'views'. When I spoke with the exotic prancer, Fairy Mercury, earlier today, I asked him what was his outlook for the future. He plans to tour most of Europe and UK - I hope the day will come and very soon that he will be able to embark on such tour - gracing stages once again. Continuing to build his ever growing fanbase. - Classic rock DJ Ron A
Greg Hastings / VPStudio: Your 'write up' was good but I agree with what you told me when we spoke. Most likely it would be a bit bland because it lacked the interview with Fairy that you originally had planned for it. Hopefully he'll come on and comment. I'm sure his adoring fans will be wanting him to.... I'm still working on putting together a new video of him for his fans to enjoy.
Classic rock DJ Ron A -- I agree with you, Greg. I really wanted to do the original plans we had. Me interacting with Fairy in a real time interview for this post. That was what was lacking from my write up. Fairy, I completely agree that you have no competition and all else you said in what you posted. Who is famous for emulating/eerie incarnate?? Who is about gay sex?? You are an obsession and have created an obsession. I am personally addicted to your likeness to Freddie Mercury of the 70s decade. HUGE fan of yours, Fairy. Your spot on flawless talents as Freddie and the ways you run your websites. Any fan moaning about you not getting 'publicity' should rethink 'the now' and the unique way you 'promote' yourself. I mean it, those days of magazines, etc.
Actually, I am really surprised that isn't obsolete, like I said in my write up. So many rock mags. have done away with print and are strictly online. Even that probably is of no interest. What you do, Fairy, and your jealous boring rivals better not go copying you, by creating your own media really stands out and is extremely interesting - attention grabbing, in comparison to the boring norm of 'celebrity' and 'media'.
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ I'm still laughing over you having lost your notes, dear. Oh god, my precious fans! He phoned and told me not to go all melodramatic on him over what he had to tell me. Then said practically what he opened with. This bloody thing was never going to get off the ground. One thing after another. He had lost his notes. The weekend is now over and here we are FINALLY presenting this to you. HA! What a vaudeville act!!! Awww, wasn't that sweet Greg provided photos... You know, Ron, I should like to have you featured on my sites more often. Please say you will, darling. It would mean so much.
Classic rock DJ Ron A -- Jumping at the opportunity, I'd be more than glad to. I have a proposition that I'm sure will send your avid fans into a wild frenzy. What is your thoughts on sitting in as a 'guest DJ' on my show some time in the future? I bet that would be an absolute blast - campy queen playing up DJ. We can do it like your fave FM bit when he was on Capital Radio interviewed by Kenny Everett for the 'A Day At The Races' album.
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ Let's discuss it over tea this week, dear. I'm glad you've accepted my offer to be featured on my sites. We'll discuss that as well. I have to be up quite early tomorrow so I'll be off now, my precious fans. It is already 1am here!! Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy
Exotic, Erotic and Elegant
Pulled from soundboard. Partial live performances of 'Doing All Right' and 'In The Lap Of The Gods ... Revisited' Video for Fairy's adoring fans to keep you content in the meanwhile. Including new live shots for the photo book 'Mirror Image' Preorder details on the private account. The book will be available in April.

FAIRY photographed by Greg Hastings / VPStudio

Following are excerpts from a conversation leading up to this post. A little intro, if you will.
Are you ready, boys? I've decided to post this here instead of ruining the permanent new post. I hope all of you, my precious fans, have had a lovely weekend and were up to all sort of naughtiness. I know I have ... now wouldn't you naughty boys just like to know what this queen has been up to. Perhaps I will indulge you later - that all depends on how this conversation goes. I hope you enjoy the little treat I asked my personal photographer to put together, my darlings. When he presented it to me for my approval, I was well pleased with the cinematics. Awww, you're improving on being videographer, dear. HA! Anyways, do let us know what you think of it in the comments on the private account. Now I'll let my boys have a word, if they wish.…
Former agent/mgr. for FM: Yeah, go ahead and do what you're saying about the videos. You're right, mate, all the action is on the private account and what else can I say? Who can resist the temptation of a half naked tart with leotard strap fallen down off the shoulder look.... (me continuing the banter that was going on in the private account before we got boring and serious taking to this public spectacle). Of course, the fans would rather carry on in their usual frenzy over the new video/performances and the new photos and wondering about the new upcoming post. The way it should be - focused and positive .... Greg, what you're asking our regal splendor - lets you, myself, and Fairy discuss it over tea tomorrow.
I wish we had show dates to announce. My star gracing stages and then the wild decadent private parties afterwards. We could always pine for those days and reminisce about that for your adoring fans, exotic prancer. The candid they so desire of you.... I really do enjoy that new video you created, Greg. Erotic satin queen shimmering under the spotlights - 'pouncing and pooving' (as his beloved idol puts it). Sibilant purr nailing the vocals. Let's see now. Three E's: erotic, exotic, elegant.
Greg Hastings, viVid Photo Studio - What you posted is a perfect example of what Fairy is trying to say. We get all over and uncoordinated. Because what you posted should be on the new post. Perhaps we should copy/paste the key points (like I said) from this conversation and add them to that post.
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ 'Obscene cabaret', my darling ...

When you can see the outline of your satin knickers through your satin trousers .…
(Section Omitted)
Greg Hastings, viVid Photo Studio - Fairy, black and white is so yesterday. 'Mercury' filter is so 'in' because the Killer Queen said so. LOL! That photo would go perfectly with the theme of the new post. I'm a bit partial to that one when it comes to offstage candids. Arm positioned just right, teasingly concealing lips...
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ Awww, Greg dear, the ways you describe some of the photos .... I can hardly wait for my precious fans to feast their eyes on the new photo book and read the things we've written through out it. Suddenly I've become awfully tired. Perhaps I should nip off to bed now, my darlings. xx Fairy

On the logo Freddie Mercury designed for Queen is a Phoenix. The story of the Phoenix is that when the bird was about to die, it would build a funeral pyre and set itself on fire to be reborn... Reincarnated. The ever so elegant - ever rising star Fairy Mercury - 'this day and age Freddie Mercury'
Any true fan of Fairy knows all the action is on the private account where most of the time is spent. I suppose we can make an effort to once in awhile post to this public website to keep him 'out there' as the DJ had mentioned. Our divine lush creature Fairy Mercury can NEVER fade from public. Whether jealous haters who aren't fans want to face facts or not - he is in very popular demand and continues to rise. So, exotic prancer's adoring fans, look forward to a new post to this website. Continue to enjoy the private account and the recent things on Fairy you have been graced with. As always, thank you for choosing him and being such loyal avid fans.

Upcoming Exclusive! Classic rock DJ Ron A. chats with the exotic prancer Fairy Mercury in a revealing candid post-interview after his recent radio appearance. Highlights: doing costume design for Fairy, the art of emulating and eerily resembling a rock icon, plus the divine lush creature Fairy Mercury makes a special announcement.
In the meanwhile, Fairy's personal photographer Greg Hastings has pulled these to share with Fairy's adoring
fans to enjoy.

The above two I call the 'Mercury Filter Collection'.
I converted them into what is literally called 'Mercury' filter on the photo editor I use.
Greg Hastings/VPStudio

The Ongoing Obsession That Is Fairy Mercury
I will start my interview out with the stunning beyond words very talented Fairy Mercury by discussing this snippet of a performance of the legendary 'Bohemian Rhapsody' and the past radio interview clip that follows it. The interview will be unscripted. So like everything the very unpredictable campy and very sexual (like his beloved idol he aspires to be was), I'll try to be well prepared. See you then, Fairy's adoring fans! - Classic rock radio DJ Ron A.
That ends the 'revisited' section for this revised page.
The Present
Again as you, the exotic prancer's adoring fans, will notice the 'lack thereof' that something is missing in Fairy's life and fame. And that is her relationship with Pavlova. So this will continue soon with the present and what the glam rock queen mentioned at the top before the revisited break section. These (below) were sent in by a fan and it's too hilarious what was written with them. 'Close up of that 'jealous friend' as our glam rock Persian queen Fairy and her Russian prince ballet danseur Pavlova calls the stone bitch. We all know who wore the frock better and that stone bitch better quit copying Fairy!! Second photo is the plaque which her prince knelt on one knee to gift her the engagement ring. Stay jealous, Peter Pan!! --- Fairy Mercury (and Pavlova) fan forever and always, Mike Barnett in London PS. Notice on the plaque mentioning Snowdon ... Pavlova's personal asst. dropped hints about Lord Snowdon. I think there's a lineage link...'

Fans, you went into such a wild frenzy over it, so I thought I would do a screenshot of it and carry it over onto this page. Expect to hear from your glam rock Persian queen and her Russian ballet danseur prince soon.

Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): My curious forbidden creature, you have so many 'mysteries' to solve. When we started meeting in your favorite 'haunt' - Hyde Park - I chose the Peter Pan statue for a reason for the meeting spot .... You vicious unruly feline. I still laugh thinking of you confronting the 'wildly hysterical old couple' behind my back over what you had read in 'the new book' as you prefer to call it. (Note to fans: reference what Pavlova is talking about in what Fairy wrote at top section of this page) Adoring fans anxiously wait the exotic prancer Fairy Mercury's reply to this (per request from her to have it transferred from the homepage to here). In the meanwhile, the glam rock queen has just now graced the stage at the sold out venue in Leeds!
Fairy's adoring fans who unfortunately aren't at the show, the glam rock queen has taken the stage a 1/2 hour ago for her 2nd night sold out Leeds concert. She will be joined a few hours after it ends by Pavlova and I don't know who else. I'll take this moment to congratulate Killer Queen's 'authorized buyer' Mr. Francis J. Boyd of his 10th anniversary to his partner Ray. They have been a couple for 15 years and married 10 of those years. Here are 2 photos done in 'Mercury filter' I was asked to share with you, Fairy's fans, to enjoy. Also to let you know that her and Pavlova are currently working on a new music video for Fairy and there might be a 'sneak peek' at it when she graces you with her presence on her public site this evening. - Jorge Schumann / PR & web designer for FM

Francis J. Boyd: I was asked by Pavlova if I would like to 'participate regularly' on the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's public site for promo purposes. I'm not even sure what I did or said to even deserve such honours considering you, Mr. Schumann, being so stunned over Pavlova giving you a raise all because he liked what you had written about the exotic star's real name. I have always admired the young man. Both him and Fairy are beyond captivating their eerie likeness to their idols '70s Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev. Both very talented individuals. The 'Russian prince' teasing the 'glam rock queen' about mysteries, she is constantly curious (like a cat...) trying to get information out of me about Pavlova ever since the day Haze Theatre took her on and I had told her that I was very familiar with Pavlova and Haze Theatre. I evade and tell her that is up to Pavlova not me to reveal things about himself. They are such a stunningly attractive couple. I know what Dame Eleanor meant by 'destiny will now be full filled' that Fairy's costume designer mentioned what was being argued over. Her fans finding it hilarious when she asked Pavlova that didn't he find it embarrassing getting in arguments over her tits was so campy - identical her idol.
So I thought I would share this photo (below) I had personally taken at her Brighton show. Her personal photographer Greg Hastings/viVid Photo Studio captioned it and purchased the rights of it from me. Along with this photo alongside made into black and white - how Pavlova watches Fairy performing - an intense gaze. When I'm in their presence together, he is so very in love with her. Obsessively so. Before I left England, Pavlova took me aside and told me this in his Russian (I somewhat know the lang.) that Fairy is so captivating that when she enters a room the entire atmosphere changes and he (Pavlova) tends to lose his manners wanting to ignore those present for her. 'It's almost as if the entire room and all that is in it, the world, all surroundings vanish and she is all that is left when I am with her.' was his exact words. He speaks like a prince...

I'll add more, the 'glam rock queen's' adoring fans. They are truly what you have bestowed upon them: 'The FAIRY... tale couple' (writing it exactly how all of you do). Pavlova is so taken by Fairy's 'Bohemian way of life', her overly sexual ways. Things he's not accustom to. What I find curious is the eerie 'reincarnation' likes of them to their idols. Mr. Schumann congratulating me on my 10 yr. wedding anniversary to my partner Ray. 15 years ago, I met Dame Eleanor. Pavlova was only 25 then - dancing as Nureyev throughout the world. Mainly France, Vienna, England. I vividly remember Dame Eleanor having said this to me, 'he (Pavlova) needs to be completed. He needs to find the love of his life to complete him so destiny will be full filled.' Unlike Nureyev who once spoke of how he was born a peasant and danced as princes, Pavlova was born in extreme wealth with a very wealthy, very prestigious lineage. He is obsessed with the ballet of Giselle and even more so now that he has found his Freddie Mercury (to complete him...). The peasant - Bohemian who is deceived by the prince who is smitten by Giselle because she is 'out of his league'. Prince Albrecht pretends to be a peasant to woo Giselle.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): I finish my dance during her 'Bohemian Rhapsody' performance and am backstage 'toweling off' and it is brought to my attention you are on here, Francis. I take it as you have accepted invite. I laugh you explaining my rudeness. I only see and hear her so you know I have taken leave of manners next time you come and I ignore you when she is present. Here are photos from photographer. When he comes on, don't be rude. The costume designer, not so much so. Gossipy.

Francis J. Boyd: What an honour, the ballet danseur takes time out to acknowledge moments after he's left the stage. Those photographs you've shared of your exotic femmka are stunning! Has she gotten a different necklace? That's not the 'layered' one you're so taken by, Pavlova. Her photographer does do an amazing job at photographing her.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): She is silly girl and vicious feline, Francis! Tea on Tuesday was disaster! I tell her to stay in room while I have tea and quickly get rid of them. She sits reading new book and reads about, how she say? Let me find where she wrote about. This:
The new thing I read and again, realize these things happened BEFORE I read them! That 'new the book' as I have been calling it, someone in it saying, 'Freddie was the only one who could calm his (Nureyev's) fiery temper.'
I leave from tea to take important phone call, on way back to room, I hear Sir Thomas' wife, 'why do you wear that nasty thing on your wrist that was around his penis?!' and my femmka shrieking like a wild cat, 'you're a fucking snobbish old bitch! Now answer me!' According to them, I take them aside and ask what has happened. They tell me, she came into room and showed them that in book and demanded to know how wife knew to say this to her about me. That if they knew Freddie and Nureyev they better tell her and what's with all the secrets. Must go for now, Francis. Will be back on soon. She comes offstage in 1/2 hour.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ I am sorry I could not come on until now (after 2 am), my darlings. You must understand A LOT goes into a concert. I can't just leave the stage then immediately come on my public site or fan club. I have MANY people clamouring for my attention back stage. VIP guests, etc. Then it takes awhile to unwind. Leeds you rocked and fucked me hard BOTH nights! (now it my delectably handsome prince's turn to fuck me hard ....). Aww I know, sad faces over what I'll be saying next. I am not going to be on tonight. But I promise I will be tomorrow and with a surprise. Sneak peak at my new video (as was mentioned). Along with many other things. Note to Francis Boyd: thank you for agreeing to take part. I hate you though that now the Queen kendama is out of stock because we waited too long to purchase! My satin knickers and midriff says goodnight, dears.
Love 💗 and kisses 💋 to you all. Fairy

>> Section deleted. Below kept per Pavlova's request <<<
Francis J. Boyd: The ever so elegant exotic rock star MiZ Fairy Mercury soon to be Mercury-Pavlova (I can imagine your wedding will be very regal and grand when the bohemian Persian glam rock queen marries her handsome Russian ballet danseur charming prince), the mimicking craziness, this is the extent of how mental. Your talented photographer talking about how that fool tells so many lies. This is laughable and you really feel sorry for people like that. That client Jason told me about had a sister and when they were in their early 20s used to rent what is called a duplex. It's like a divided flat. (Pavlova, you'll get a laugh off this one) Anyways that cilent and their sister would tell people they were heiresses (reality, they were on welfare) and the guy living next to them in the 'duplex' asked them, 'then why are you living here? Aren't heiresses rich?' Delusional see through weirdos. This world is so full of strange people. Like what Pavlova said about the weirdo woman who would follow Nureyev around claiming she was his sister.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): Oh my heart soars for I see femmka has joined us although conversation is negative. Off topic nonsense which her millions of adoring fans boo. I miss you, kitten. I hope your day isn't empty as mine without you. Francis, if we were keeping this utterly stupid conversation, I would be adding gifs of myself and femmka laughing. Oh the need for 'self importance' of the pathetic ones who truly aren't important. People need to embrace what they are, who they are and be content with what they have. I suppose it comes with shame. But is ridiculous to exaggerate. If you are poor and wish to lie, why not make a more believable lie than that utter nonsense of heir.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Rudy darling. My parody of being an heir and, Francis, thanks for the laugh! Me - I'm an heir! Tosses midnight black hair in delusional self important fashion.

Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): Campy silly girl! Alright, I'll post laughing gif because that deserves it.

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Here's more for you, Rudy darling. 'Do you have a job?' No, I'm an heir and I'm only living here because I've been stranded. I'm married to this wealthy prince - who is for real is a prince.

Francis J. Boyd: Perfect 'FAIRY... tale couple' sending fans into wild frenzy. I'm wiping tears laughing so hard. I hate to mention this, before I do, it really is funny how several of your 'courtiers' behave as though certain people aren't going to read and think things of it. Such as what I hate to mention. Mr. Ron Craster (Pavlova's personal asst. and Haze Theatre also Fairy's stage director) talking about Pavlova's cook trying to hold a professional stoic demeanor. Jason Long would tell me that he had to stay professional and some of the things clients (such as that one) would tell him during sessions was such a joke and he had to force himself not to laugh or even crack a grin or smile over it.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): My lovely Ninjinsky/Freddie striking such the elegant effeminate pose in your harlequin leotard - come prance with me, you exotic creature. As for you, Francis, my cook Prescott and the many intimate things I have confided in the man. Probably even more so than Ronnie old boy and even Dame Eleanor. Let us get back on topic now, shall we?
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ The Ninjinsky harlequin ballet leotard was my idol's fave leotard look he wore. What is hilarious is my precious fans accusing me of wearing a wig. How does my hair go from long to medium length (that gif). My costume designer trying to defend saying my hair is 'pinned up' to create that look. I love my long hair. That's what I strongly resemble is Queen II album and '76 Hyde Park looks of my beloved idol - the looks I favor most. Talking of 'resembling' - Rudy darling, I figured out why you look different in the knit cap look. Because your fringe is off your forehead and a lot of your princely bob is tucked under it as well.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): We keep this part of conversation because your adoring fans find it very funny, femmka. Is it good or bad what you say? I won't wear look if you don't like. Do promo for photo now. Before you do, how I dress for you when we marry (right) and perhaps you should wear this (left) instead of hijab. White satin frock with pale blue eye shadow. Must have the eye shadow, kitten, or wedding off!

Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): How is this, femmka? Better? No ... 'tucking'

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Yes better, darling. Both actually. Please don't use tucking. I can't stand the thoughts it gives me. I am so fucking in love with you!! My precious fans, we are experiencing that damn server issue! So if there is a lag in our posting, know why. I'll wear the pleated winged frock instead, Rudy. I laughed over 'wedding off' if I don't wear my pale blue eyes shadow. Me in the '76 Hyde Park look.

Pavlova (Haze Theatre, pro ballet danseur): Oh there is that lovely alluring necklace... Now have photographer come to do promo, femmka. Then we talk about video. 'Lights go out and I die, tomorrow I will be born again, tomorrow I will dance again ' the great lord of dance Nureyev
Francis J. Boyd: I love the idea of her wearing the white satin frock to marry you in, Pavlova. It side by side with you in the costume you danced as Nureyev in as Prince Albrecht in Giselle really makes the two of you look like the romantic 'FAIRY...tale couple'.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Of course Killer Queen's fans are carrying on over the idea. Really wasn't like you, Fairy, the hijab idea. I get it about you being Persian - from India but you should hold true to your aspirations to be '70s FM. To symbolically dress in FM look would be more befitting. Just as Pavlova planning to marry you dressed looking like Nureyev in prince/leotard look.
Now about the 'promo'. We are offering one lucky fan a chance to win this stunning photo I shot of Fairy during 'her' very first live historical performance (sold out 1st night) at Haze Theatre. It is signed by myself, Pavlova and of course, the exotic prancer 'herself'. Details on how to go about winning it will be posted in the fan club at days end. Current time in London: 6:30pm.

Jorge Schumann (PR and web designer for FM): Pavlova, where do you want me to delete up to? The Persian glam rock queen's fans going into more of a wild frenzy from over 'FAIRY ... tale couple' conversing to winning the autograph photo contest. Needless to say, the photo is breathtaking. Now you'll really go into hyperventilating hysterics over the upcoming video. (Btw, I'm sorry that annoying server issue STILL persists. Out of my hands. As you've noticed, it happens the worse when trying to add photos). Exciting week ahead! The famous exotic prancer Fairy Mercury's costume designer and personal photographer will marry this coming weekend! Everyone is very happy for them. LOL!! Fans want to know if you'll be attending the wedding alone, Fairy ....
Again, glam rock queen's fans, we are sorry for the annoying interruptions of that server issue preventing any posting to her public site. It is now 9pm. She has gone out with her Russian prince and wanted me to post that she will be on around her 'Zzz time' to reply to what many of you wanted to know and sneak peek about upcoming video. They (her and Pavlova love making gifs...). 'Zzz time' will also be when details are revealed in the fan club how to win the breathtaking autographed photo.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Hello dears. I am sorry that I wasn't able to come on last night during my Zzz time. As was posted in the fan club, that server issue prevented me from doing so. The moment I decided to give it another go just now, I got that annoying issue but was eventually able to access my website. I am glad all of you like my 'authorized buyer' Francis Boyd. Him mentioning the very missed positive fan Jason Long having cancer then it went into remission then came back and when he learned of this, he sadly decided to end his life. When my delectably handsome Russian prince and I went out last night, he said this to me about it, 'the fan of yours who ended his life, how tragic. Much like many of the ballets I have danced as Nureyev, femmka.' He saw the tears in my eyes and he was like, 'No! No! You go! NEVER let me see you cry! Go!' So I left to have a cry.
When I came back, I questioned him about his favorite ballet Giselle. How Giselle ends her life once she learns she's been deceived by the prince. This is what he told me, 'it is a ballet of love found and love lost. The prince truly loved Giselle and mourns her at her graveside. Much like the ballet of Romeo and his Juliet. Romeo dies believing his Juliet has died. She awakens and finds her Romeo has died and ends her life. This is true love. One who would rather die then to live on without the one who they live for. Nureyev and Freddie were like these two ballets.' I slipped my black nails left hand fingers into his hand, my eye lined eyes gazing at him and purred ever so seductively, 'Rudy darling, you know people who actually knew our idols don't you? If we're to be married you NEED to tell me. No secrets.' He sighed picking up his glass of brandy - instead of taking a drink, he so princely sat it aside and instead 'took a taste' of my black nails left hand - raising it to his lips doing his princely kissing the back of it. I can't believe what he then said to me, my darlings! 'I would be a fool to pretend I wasn't aware of those books you have read about their relationship from. Yes, it's destiny and it is now being full filled. I would have you read diaries of Dame Eleanor but they are written in Russian. Aren't you curious as to her surname, femmka?' I just sat there staring at him then purred, 'the answer to my question is yes, isn't it?' I about died!!! He sat there staring off with a slight nod. My heart literally stopped! I just got up and glided off out the room in complete shock!! I haven't spoken with him at all since last night after that conversation. Tomorrow is when he takes tea with that wildly hysterical old couple .....
I'm literally afraid to even ask details! Then especially considering some of the people he knows ... to top it off, some of them actually came to see me perform!!! Apparently they look at both my public site and have access to my fan club. As for the hilarious - I seriously love you all, my precious fans! You never cease to cheer up this queen. You wanting to know if I will be attending my costume designer and photographer's wedding this weekend alone. I had also asked Pavlova about it. This is what he said, 'No, I am not invited. You do realize, femmka, our wedding will overshadow - as you will - upstage. I wish not to offend. I do like the photographer. When I helped choreograph your All Dead, All Dead video with him. He is very talented in photographing you. Lord Snowdon (he trailed there hesitating, then said) he was very close friends of Nureyev and photography was his passion. I like the photography of Mick Rock that he did of Freddie in the '70s that you so much resemble.' I told him that Mick Rock is my photographer's idol and is who inspired him to take up photography. Now, my darlings, since I live by this quote of my beloved idol:

I am doing something new. I have made two gifs as a 'sneak peek' at my new music video.
Here they are and which '70s Queen song will remain a mystery until the video is revealed.

Johann Wagner/costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury: Fairy, obtain the diaries from him and I will translate them for you. I bet once he reads me offering up this, he willl refuse to give them to you. Not to be mean, but maybe he can be the not so charming prince he is by cuddling with you and reading from them in his broken English like reading a ... fairy .... tale to you - bed time story. I know you would find that very romantic in spite of my sarcasm.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Johann, you're funny. He behaves as if they're a sacred tome. Of course, my precious fans are now carrying on in the fan club comments over what I revealed. I seriously couldn't believe it when he admitted to me he knew of 'the book' and 'the new book'! I was wondering why he behaved so nonchalant when I would tell him about the things I had read. Such as the time I phoned him when he was having tea with that wildly hysterical old couple telling him about the vodka and 'Madam Giselle' part I had read. Let me find it. Btw, Jorge, if you're reading - I really did love what you did about putting all the things I got from 'the book' together for me in the Mirror Image page (it is one of my favorite pages on my public site).

Jorge Schumann (PR and web designer for FM): Mirror Image is one of your fans fave pages on your public site as well, Killer Queen. Thank you for the complement. I enjoyed putting it all together for you. Your fans really are funny some of the comments they post. Have you seen their 'petition' about wanting long time fan and first ever fan to meet you Geoff Stafford to be listed in the credits as fan club manager and comments moderator. As you know, it's 7:30pm. Pavlova left Haze Theatre an hour ago. I was talking with Ron Craster and Pavlova came over saying this
(in Russian), 'the curious feline was on her public site and posted about last night. I will let her come to me, Ron.
I have thought to phone all day. She needs time to process what little she has learned.'