Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

No Escape From Reality
Continuation of the first two highly anticipated and very successful shows of the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's 'Flight of the Fairy ... Revisited' tour. In case you haven't, please read You Brought Me Fame And Fortune to bring yourself up to date. As I had mentioned on the Flight of the Fairy ... Revisited page, highly anticipated for several reasons. It kicks off Fairy’s spring/summer ‘Flight Of The Fairy … Revisited’ tour, it will open with the glam rock queen performing for the first time ever at Haze Theatre owned by the ‘Russian prince’ who legally becomes Rudolf Pavlova come Wednesday. Not to mention, the Hyde Park plan. Meeting at the Peter Pan statue where Pavlova will gift Fairy with the engagement ring making them officially engaged – moments before Killer Queen is due on stage. Not to mention some very important people who were going to be in attendance in the box seats and VIP section.
I highlighted the 'Hyde Park event' as we've come to refer to it as. Unfortunately, as the glam rock queen explained on the You Brought Me Fame And Fortune page, I have been ... forbidden by Pavlova to post about the very wild after party held after the first night show (note to Fairy: I bet if you posted about it, he wouldn't mind...).
So I'll just go onto what I observed in the VIP section during the exotic prancer's performance.

Once the ever so elegant glam rock queen took the stage, I took my seat in the VIP section. Fairy told me to observe ‘her’ man, the Russian ballet danseur Pavlova and others seated by him in the section. To Pavlova’s right was Ron Craster his personal assistant. To his left one of ‘the important people’ – a man. As I mentioned in my ‘write up’ on the You Brought Me Fame And Fortune page, the handsome ‘Russian prince’ eyes were literally fixed on Fairy – captivated and too obviously very in love. The man to his right, once in awhile would lean over to say something to him and without so much as taking his eyes off the exotic prancer, he would gesture with his hand – index finger up as one will do when wanting to silence someone. This happened 2 more times and the man gave up trying to converse with Pavlova. Another thing I observed (and no offense to Fairy’s adoring fans) several of ‘the aristocratic snobs’ in the VIP would glance about nervously with snobbish expressions over, you ‘her’ adoring fans, carrying on loudly cheering, whistling, calling out, etc. while they sat properly attentive to the rock concert of the ‘mock up Queen band’ and the very erotic half naked in obscenely tight satin (black then changed into white) catsuits prowling and slinking about the stage like the lovely exotic creature ‘she’ is. Looking, singing and moving eerily incarnate of 1970s decade Freddie Mercury.

Above photo I was given to use by Fairy. He told me Pavlova gave it to him from his own personal collection telling the glam rock queen it's in better quality than the copy Ron Craster has. With that, I pause for the 'revisited' section. My 'write up' will continue after it.
**Note from Jorge Schumann (PR to FM) - in explaining the 'Revisited' sections on several pages on Fairy's site.They were old pages, before she met Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova, that she wanted saved but redone and edited. They were of a time when her career was just starting and she was 'testing the waters' going on a 'mini tour' of cities in and around the London. What she named 'Flight of the Fairy'. Her fame soared upon meeting her Nureyev (Pavlova). She embarked on the highly successful 'Flight of the Fairy ... Revisited' tour, in which she toured 22 tour dates in major cities throughout England.
Timestamp: 2AM - London, England Hello dears, I spent much of my time on the private site / fan club, so I thought I would do a quick post on this felt so sorry for public site of mine. I finished my show 4-5 hours ago and am very exhausted.I am having my personal photographer upload VERY exclusive content to the fan club / private site Including the big surprise from Friday night's show.

​This quote (like so so many of my beloved idol) being so me being incarnate of him:

I do like to 'come up with fresh ideas' on what to do next with my aspirations to be my beloved idol Freddie Mercury. As I have stated so many times - I live for the stage - entertaining you, my precious fans, with my talents/likeness to 1970s decade Freddie Mercury. It truly is my utmost happiness. I keep thinking of this that was sent to me by these fans over a year ago now when I started this public website back in June of 2020.
There has been so much undesirable craziness that's happened in my life and even my career shortly before that virus situation, during and now the aftermath. Those of you who came to my show tonight, know how I dedicated my performance of Queen's 'Love Of My Life' (written by my beloved idol, of course...) to Ah Vah Makato. He wasn't a romantic love but he was so very dear to me. I was deeply traumatized to find him dead from suicide. The note he left in Japanese outlining why. The freaks who pushed him to end his little precious life, taking him away from me, shall NEVER be forgiven. So full of cruelty, hatred and negativity.

Now I mentioned doing something new. This fan in above. John Price. Was at my show tonight and he got to meet me afterwards. He will be joining myself and my man tomorrow on this public site (suppose I shouldn't neglect it.... 'ultimate fan' Jason Long was so kind to purchase the custom domain name for me to have it). The encounter was quite funny, my dears.I can't thank all of you enough for your fandom and support. It means to very much to me. Love and kisses to you all, darlings. 💜 Fairy
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ So me right now, my dears ...

John Price - My face for real probably really red timidly and umm letting you know I'm ready now. I am sooooooooo nervous, you guys. Don't be laughing at me in the comments section, ok?
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ Oh you've made it, dear. Awww it was precious when you approached last night. I told him, my precious fans, not to get in the comments section and share it with all of you. I'll do a bit of a run down. My show was over and myself and my people were exiting out the back entrance of the venue and very timidly the sweetheart approached AFTER all of us looked over because one of his mates he was with pushed him forward from area they were standing several feet away saying a bit too loud, 'go on!' It was too obvious he felt he had to approach because all of us saw/heard.
John Price - I'm already regretting this. You guys, Killer Queen is soooooooo unbelievably stunning and so Freddie when you see him up close and personal - not from the distance of on a stage. His man ... talking about being 'possessive'. I went to the concert with 3 of my mates. It was awkward and embarrassing how we were wandering alongside the venue and turned the corner of the bldg. leading to the back and we saw them come out. I was like, I should go over! I can't believe it's Fairy and his crew!!! Then the one pushed me forward after they were all daring me to do it. I had no other choice because they heard and looked over seeing my mate push me forward to go on. So anyways, I went over and this man stepped in front of him really sternly asking me what I wanted and if there was going to be a problem. I told him I was at the show and recognized Fairy when they came out and just wanted to tell him how much I enjoyed the show. I've seen 3 of his shows now. 2 from the ones I took those photos of and then last nights.

+++ Fairy Mercury +++ Oh yes! Sorry about that! I nearly forgot about John. So, dear, it really was precious. I'm not trying to embarrass you, but you were so nervous you could barely look at this queen. You told me that you 'literally cried' over my performance of 'Love Of My Life'. It was an emotional moment. I had to really focus and not give into emotions. 'You've broken my heart, and now you leave me' was the line I barely got through because that was how I felt that day I found my precious little darling Japanese dwarf had ended his life. I thought to do Queen's Japanese song 'Teo Torriatte' but I didn't. He taught me how to read and speak Japanese. I loved him so. 'Love Of My Life' was another song (like 'You Take My Breath Away') my beloved idol wrote for/about the man he was with in the 1970s. But to me, when I performed the song - it wasn't a romantic love song of loss but a song of the loss of a dear loved one.
John Price - I got really teary eyed over your performance and the dedication you did before it. You so perfectly emulate Freddie and it's just stunning. Then you're like the spitting image of him. You shouldn't feel obligated to some crazy cruel bullies who makes you feel threatened and victimized and causes evil destruction like what happened. I just don't get how anyone can so easily detach and casually go on with their life as if they have no conscious causing something like that. It's disgusting and I am really sorry.
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ You're kind. Awww, I love my precious fans. I have nightmares. It is unspeakable to find someone dead like that! Sadly, life goes on. I'm going to go off for a few moments. I hope you and my other precious fans won't mind. Alright, I'm back. It's funny how so many of you behave as though I don't read the comments you post.... Me reading some of it -

​John darling, I see you've timidly went off into the comments section while I was gone. Carrying on over this and the things I'm having to say 'just to' you. Speaking of that ... I always did find that very ... arousing ... and romantic the things your 'partner' has to say only to - just to you. Or the ways he'll 'show up' - just for you on a 'date' and such.

John Price - That photo is so speechlessly stunning.
+++ Fairy Mercury +++ Oh look! John's back. xx My curious precious fans had it all figured out the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery was one of my fave haunts. That was fun. Perhaps I should stage something like that again. Perhaps Hyde Park - the Serpentine area .... HA! I just thought of something very campy I'd like to do.
Per fan Geoff Stafford and the boys from Kent's request: (about fan Geoff Stafford - he has been a fan of Fairy's since the start of his fame. Geoff was actually the very first fan who got to meet Fairy)

Defining Fairy and her idol's reality.
Above scan from Fairy's fave book 'Queen The Early Years'

Yes, fans, these amazing photos taken by Greg Hastings (viVid Photo Studio)
are of Fairy looking splitting image to his idol - 1970s decade Freddie Mercury

In continuation of my 'write up' - the present
When Fairy sat at the piano to perform ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, Pavlova excused himself and got up. The ‘aristocratic snobs’ all stood several curiously asking with concerned looks, ‘are you leaving?!’He grinned his sly grin saying, ‘I’m off to dance.’ Puzzled looks cross their faces. Fairy wildly laughed when I told ‘her’ this. That ‘old bird’ gasps, ‘Oh Thomas! He’s going to dance ballet to that tart’s rock music!! It’s a disgrace!’ Everyone – fans and them – gasped as the lights went from very dark to lighting the stage a few moments later and Pavlova came out dancing. Pause to explain (assholes who aren’t fans …. fans would know this) when Queen would do the song, they would leave offstage on the ‘operatic’ parts then return when it goes into the rocking ‘So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye’ verse.To fans disappointment, Fairy never danced with Pavlova and they decided on Pavlova dancing solo.

Fairy told me that after Pavlova danced and exited to the wing, ‘she’ quickly said to him, ‘mmm, I fucking lustfully desire a sweaty man. If only I had time to suck your enormous fucking cock.’ and glided out onto the stage now in white satin cat suit – the glam rock queen rocking ‘her’ adoring fans with the rocking verse which then ends elegantly mellowed out in rock ballad – perched at the piano.‘Nothing really matters – anyone can see – nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me. Anyway the wind blows’ Over the loudness of the music and crowd, I could barely hear the man who was seated to the left of Pavlova say to no one in particular, ‘He’ll stay in the wing to watch the remainder of her show, most likely.’
Since I wasn’t in the VIP section when Fairy did ‘her’ kimono / knickers ‘obscene cabaret’ bit, my partner (the exotic prancer’s personal photographer) Greg Hastings who was at the foot of the stage taking photos and video heard someone gasp, ‘oh goodness!’ He joked, ‘I wonder if it was ‘the old bird’ Martha.’ Reflecting back on the ‘revisited’ section, which is about last years Flight Of The Fairy tour, the highlights of Fairy’s current Flight Of The Fairy … Revisited tour, kicking off at Haze Theatre were performances of Bohemian Rhapsody and All Dead, All Dead. As the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury did when presenting the video for All Dead, All Dead to you, ‘her’ adoring fans, Fairy dedicated it to ‘her’ and Pavlova’s idols Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev. Closing out ‘her’ concert with it (after re-dressing from satin knickers back into the ‘black queen’ satin cat suit).
It was breathtaking. The lights went down then back up and Pavlova went up onto the stage presenting Fairy with a beautiful large bouquet mixture of fairy roses/champagne roses, after delivering his princely kiss to the back of ‘her’ black nails left hand – now graced with the stunning engagement ring.
It was funny, before Fairy performed Flick Of The Wrist, this is what the Persian purred to her adoring fans in attendance, ‘Tonight in Hyde Park, Peter Pan became very jealous, my darlings. This is for you, Peter Pan.’ Too campy!
'Flick Of The Wrist' live with live footage from Fairy's Flight Of The Fairy tour
'... I'll have you seeing double
Mesmerize you when he's tongue-tied
Simply with those eyes ...
Don't look back ...
Flick Of The Wrist and you're dead, baby
Blow him a kiss and you're mad'
(from Queen's 'Flick Of The Wrist')
Up next will be Fairy's 'silly girl' writing about 'the wildly hysterical old couple' coming to have tea today at 'her' man Russian ballet danseur / owner of Haze Theatre - Pavlova's Cambridge home. The exotic glam rock queen told me that it will be filled with loads of photos Greg developed from 'her' Haze Theatre show and photos Pavlova is letting her use of him from his photo albums. In the meanwhile, Jorge Schumann (Fairy's PR man and web designer has been instructed to move what 'the Fairy ... tale couple' posted on the home page to here as a 'lead in'). Tomorrow Fairy leaves for Manchester to do a 3 day rehearsal at the venue for 'her' sold out Friday and Saturday shows.
Be ready, Manchester fans!!
'Write up' by Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury
Manchester - you're up next!! Pre-sale for tickets to Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited starts tomorrow. Are you ready to be rocked by the glam rock queen?
The pre-sale for the Manchester shows, both nights, sold out in 10 minutes!!Thank each and every one of you, Fairy's adoring fans.
Message from Fairy Mercury:
My precious fans, once again I have been left speechless. Thank you for your fandom, and continued support in selling out 2 more of my shows.It's been so hectic and I wish time would slow even for a moment!!!My costume designer is finishing up his 'write up' that will start the revised 'No Escape From Reality' page. All this I will have added to the page.It was sent to my public website email from the man who Johann will be mentioning in his write up, which sat left of Pavlova in the VIP section.As you know, dears, I adore black and white photography.I have my personal photographer do many photos of me in black and white.I will try to be on around my Zzz time to post more (hopefully to the new page). Love and kisses to you all, darlings. xx Fairy

Glam rock queen with erotic glossed lips and eye lined exotic liquid brown eyes. With black and white photography, you can't see 'her' pale blue eye shadow, but it's there. - G. Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

From Pavlova, Haze Theatre and pro ballet danseur: Look exactly like the black and white photo you posted, kitten, when we marry. I've fallen more in love upon seeing it. As for the email .... Mr. X, as I will refer to you as, the ballet most likely was The Sleeping Beauty... I've danced so many as Nureyev. It is not 'encore' you mean, it is curtain call. Will reply more after I see this interesting 'write up' materialize mentioning you in it ... The fulfilling destiny conversation you had with me. I should tell her about it. For you, my sinfully divine forbidden creature.

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Mmm, you look naked!! Dance ballet in the nude for me, dear. Should I wear Anna's bracelet tomorrow in place of your cock ring for when that wildly hysterical old couple come for tea to 'keep up appearance'. HA! Oh how I hate departing with it, Rudy darling. The warmth of your cock still on/in it leaving my wrist. I shiver at the thought... Mmm, how I love it when you give me your princely kiss on the back of my left hand and then turn it to kiss the beating pulse in my wrist and when you wrote of it for my precious fans to read. The photos.
My precious fans, I'm sure you read on both the fan club and my public site the issues we're STILL experiencing with my public site. Mr. Schumann is working diligently to work out why it persists. I can hardly wait to share with you what my costume designer mentioned. The photos from my Haze Theatre shows along with photos the delectably handsome Pavlova got out of his photo albums for me to use. That was hysterical, my dears! He was sipping his brandy ... and randomly picking photos telling me, 'this one - me in my basement dance studio having tea.' I told him don't you want something cool if you're rehearsing ballet, darling?' And he was like, 'no, no. Nureyev would have tea and toast brought to him - customary after each performance.' He is so like me, dears. Down to details just to be the one you idolize and wish to be. I love you all!! FOREVER thank you for choosing me! Your support and fandom means everything to me.
So wait for what happened at tea today ... xx Fairy

Hello dears. It is after 6pm as I write this. I arrived in Manchester around noon. I slept the entire drive. As you know, this queen sleeps until noon. I just now finished rehearsals at the venue I'll be performing and am now back in my hotel room. I laughed remembering the last time I played Manchester. Remember it, my darlings? How I was sick and phoned my delectably handsome 'Russian prince' to come get me and ended up having to reschedule that show? HA! Oh what drama that was! If I could remember the page it was written up on right off, I would link to it. Anyways, I am sorry for the delay in writing about tea on Tuesday. I will try to this evening. Above is from rehearsals.
Me in the pleated winged frock (eat your jealous stone heart out, Peter Pan!).
Below is the photo I mentioned yesterday. He is so EVERYTHING to me!

I am depressed because we are apart.
'Now I am sad
You are so far away
I sit counting the hours day by day
'(from Queen's 'The Millionaire Waltz' written by my beloved idol FM, of course)
There's video of me performing it in the Videos section if any of you haven't already seen it would like to.
Even if you have, dears, watch them all - again and again. I loved in 'the book' when Nureyev says him and Freddie were inseparable. 💗 Pavlova and I are are becoming like that. I still haven't finished reading that book. I brought it with me. I cherish it!! It has become a prize possession to me. I LOVE the things I've had posted on my public website from out of it. It really goes beyond words the eerie likeness myself and Pavlova have to our idols (Freddie and Nureyev) and not only in looks. Even sexually ....
I must be off, my precious fans. Room service is here with dinner.
Look for what happened at tea hopefully tonight or perhaps tomorrow. xx Fairy
From Jorge Schumann - I'm not leaving this msg. on here perm.. Are you able to access the 'Let Me Entertain You' page? I was going through updating links it's just showing up blank. That damn problem seems to be getting worse. Greg is there with you. He told me while you were at rehearsals, that he tried to access the page to start what you asked him to - put together all the things written from out of 'the book' into one thing and the page is showing up blank for him as well. I'm going to go to the actual site and see if it's even showing up for fans to views. Haven't seen any of them mention issues in the comments. It is showing up, thank god!! I thought we lost that page completely.
From Ron Craster - Jorge, I hope you can get it worked out because Pavlova is furious. You know how he's threatened to fire you over it and I keep telling him that it's not your fault. It's that bloody company it's hosted through. It really is too bad because it really is a nice 'site builder' and we know Fairy is happy with it. Have you guys tried a different browser? I know it's a pain to, especially when you have a browser you generally use. To 'the divine lush creature' - Pavlova will be joining you on Friday. He told me 'two days without her here is an eternity'.
From Jorge Schumann - Hi, Ron. I tried it on Edge (I prefer Firefox) and it still shows up blank. Tried all the lame suggestions of clearing cache and everything - so has Killer Queen and entourage and nothing works. I really don't want to contact those people...
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: As I explained to you, Jorge, I was sat on doing what the regal one wanted me to do. Gather up all the things that were posted from out of 'the book' and put it all together. I was going through the recent few pages to collect it all - trying to remember which page was when 'the book' was gotten and the first thing out of it was posted. That was when I discovered the Let Me Entertain You page just shows up blank. So stupid of me, Jorge, not to do what you said - go to the actual site to see if it's even accessible to the fans. So damn glad to hear that it is. If it comes down to it, we might have to fucking copy/paste that entire page and re-do it just so you can update links on it. SMFH
From Jorge Schumann - As you said, Mr. Hastings, if it comes down to it, I'll gladly do it. I hate contacting those people because they think the site is owned by that dead fan Jason Long just because it was registered/created by that guy. You can't change the info. Then they behave like a website is a fucking 'one man show' and you can't have a web designer, etc. So you have to pretend you're Jason Long and why is it so bloody important to even get it straight who the hell you are and what does that have to do with resolving the issue you're contacting them about. Fucking carry on like your playing at identity theft or something and how the hell am I having access to the damn account if I wasn't authorized to. Because the last time I contacted them, they questioned me why my name is Jorge and the account is registered to a Jason Long. FUCKING DRAMA!!!
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ You might want to delete this conversation you're having, you 3. If he gets on here and sees it, he'll be on the phone to me thinking I'm upset and then he will most likely start up his threats to fire you again, Jorge! I pretend as though I'm not bothered by it because I have my fan club to keep my precious fans informed. Luckily whenever he does come on here to post, he never experiences that annoying issue. Whenever I do, I just wait it out going through that annoying nonsense of 'try again' - the refresh and the extreme slow load of photos bit. Because I don't want to become melodramatic over it or I know he will become upset and angry because things aren't going smoothly for me and promoting me - especially now I'm on this big tour. No inconvenience. He has the traits of a very wealthy man. Things NEED to be convenient or you'll see a spoiled rage emerge from him. I was told that at the after party by someone and I have noticed it. Talking about tea and that wildly hysterical old couple, that person practically echoed that old bird's words to me about how I will be the only one to calm his temper.
From Jorge Schumann - Too funny you joining in. Your fans are on the fan club comments section laughing about it and, of course, carrying on about what you wrote. Talking about slow load of photos, I have a suggestion to resolve that. What do you think of using a cloud? Like Dropbox instead of storing on them on this site's server? That might free up some of the issue. Oh shit!!! Guess who's calling me!! Too obvious he's on and reading!!
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Rudy darling, don't worry about it! It's nothing really!!! I miss you dearly!!! Did you see what I managed to post? One of the photos you gave me and did you see me in my frock and the campy Peter Pan thing I wrote? Endless xxxxxxx from my drenched in glossed 'sensuous full' lips. Here's more camp for you, dear. Who wore it better?

From Pavlova, Haze Theatre and pro ballet danseur: Ah, I see Ronnie old boy relayed my message to you, femmka.Two days away from you is like an eternity. Keep what you posted because it's funny. It made me laugh. The exotic fairy/phoenix. The rest goes. I tell Jorge I like the Dropbox idea. On Friday and Sat. I be there to dance the part during your performance of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' since you incorporated me into that part of your concert. My life has become so very empty without you here. I went into Haze Theatre today and could barely concentrate. Perhaps I go to Hyde Park and pay our jealous friend a visit tomorrow and leave a single rose in thoughts of you, my forbidden creature. A fan will come along and steal it. I should buy the statue ...
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ You should seriously inquire about buying it. HA! Rudy darling, wasn't that old couple just wildly hysterical? I know you told me we weren't going to discuss it. I mean, really?! I can't wait until I tell my precious about it. Talking about drama, that old bird went off on me, my dears, over when I had insisted that Dame Eleanor let me have these. Remember that? They hung in the one hall at Haze Theatre. It was the day I met my delectably handsome 'Russian prince'.

Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury: Me haunting you from me and Greg's hotel room. Look at how very slender and lovely your legs are compared to how masculine his are. Btw, who wore it better was too hilarious and so you being campy like your idol. That stone bitch has nothing on you being tarted up in your satiny winged frock.Fans, talking about being 'incarnate' and identical even right down to details. Nureyev was 5'9" and Freddie Mercury was 5'10". Both are the same heights that Fairy (5'10") and Pavlova (5'9") are. It's just crazy and we totally agree with all of you that they were reincarnated as those two. The similarities are astounding. Kind of like what we've often said about Fairy - he isn't 'acting' - he effortlessly is '70s decade Freddie Mercury without the aide of theatrical makeup or anything else. Right down to personality and voice/accent.
As promised, my precious fans, here I am. I wasn't able to reply to what my costume designer wrote because the damn thing got worst. What's funny, I just now checked the Let Me Entertain You page and it is now able to be accessed to edit. Tomorrow and Sat. my sold out Manchester shows then I am off to Brighton which I know will sell out. Their lovely gay community and the Pride Cabaret.
So you're up next, Brighton. Get ready for this queen to rock you!!
Here is what happened at tea. I spent last night in my hotel room writing it up. Also, my photographer has made what I've asked him to. He put together everything posted from 'the book'. Since I am not done reading it, if I find more than I will have him re-do it. I hope you like what he did. He asked me if I thought it was gaudy. It is 4pm. Pavlova leaves Haze Theatre a little after 6pm. I dare some of you in London near the Hyde Park area to haunt around that Peter Pan statue to see if he does the rose thing he mentioned. DON'T approach him. He most likely will be with his personal assistant. Just post about it in the fan club comments. Btw, ultimate fan Rich, I'm glad you found a home with my precious fans on the fan club. It's where you belong. As you posted, they are positive and fun. It's all focused on me being '70s Freddie Mercury and everything you like and are into. I just think you needed someone to talk to that would share your passion and interest in me, my fame, my likeness to '70s FM. My precious fans have welcomed you and now you have that. I wonder if those boring cruel jealous haters are having fun 'no one is even paying attention to' them. Life is better without their jealous copy/paste, etc. ugliness. I have my own little world of fame and my fans and that's all I care about. #sonotinterested Boring and ugly in comparison to me ....

This time for tea I had my make up on. That wildly hysterical old couple came. My delectable (highly pleasing) ‘Russian prince’ had me exchange his cock ring I’ve been wearing for a bracelet (how naughtily fashionable is that, dears?) for Anna Pavlova’s bracelet.
I told him in the most erotic purr I could manage, ‘Rudy darling, wear your cock ring so I can spend the entire tea time with such desirous thoughts of it around your enormous fucking cock in your trousers longing for it thrust deep inside me – fucking me so hard that I can barely handle it.’ He stood there, arms folded gazing intensely at me. When I quit talking, he said, ‘go on, femmka, I don’t wish for you to be done. It was quite arousing.’ I laughed and purred, ‘kiss me.’ He glanced shyly at my drenched ever so erotically in gloss lips then kissed my cheek. I heard him whisper into my long midnight black hair at the side of my head something in Russian.
I took hold his gorgeous light brown hair about to tell him to speak English, when I heard him say – obviously what he had said translated to English, ‘your sensuous lips and how they caress and lick all over my cock before taking it into your mouth – that’s what I long for right now, femmka.’

The erotic moment was ruined as his personal assistant knocked on the open door to the room we were in announcing that old couple have arrived for tea. We sat in this strange silence as tea was served by the cook.
Then Pavlova said to me, ‘if things are becoming too hectic – as you say – I can turn down offers, baby,’
'Baby' caught me off guard, dears!! It’s usually ‘femmka’ or ‘kitten’. I purred, ‘What did you call me, dear? Did you just call me baby?’ His face turned so red!! He got up muttering something in Russian and headed to the bar in the room, then said to the old geezer, ‘Thomas, join me for brandy, we forget tea.’
The old geezer glances at the old bird who nods a ‘go on’ sort of nod and the old geezer goes to the bar saying, ‘why not’ I can see the old bird rudely staring at me! Then obviously tries to engage me in conversation. I just couldn’t, my darlings! Very snobbish tone saying, ‘Dame Eleanor told me you insisted on having those nude canvas arts that used to hang in the hall leading to Pavlova’s office. Him emulating the nude photo shoot of Nureyev doing ballet for art expression. Showing the nude male body in motion in ballet. They are not for a tart to masturbate and have perverse sexual fantasies over.’ 'What?!’ I found myself gaspily laughing.

​Next thing, the delectably handsome Pavlova storms over from the bar area literally yelling, ‘You go!’ then to the old geezer, ‘Take her and go!! I wont have your wife talking to her like that! Just because she is Bohemian way of life you will not treat her poorly! Talking down to her in high strung insolent manner! You visit only me next time! I no longer have her in your company or presence. Now go! Ron!! Show them out!!’ The old geezer sternly says to the old bird, ‘Martha, have you taken leave of your senses and manners?! Apologize!’ Pavlova spats, ‘No apologies! Out!!’ angrily pointing towards the doorway. Old geezer ushers the old bird out and I can hear her saying, ‘Why does it (pause) that creature wear so much of that lip gloss on it’s lips? Then it tarts itself up for tea like those obscene clothes it wore to perform -’ interrupted by old geezer who says, ‘she’s young and it’s not your concern. It’s what pleases Pavlova and he seems to have no objections to it. As I have told you several times now, Martha, he is destined to become the lord of dance Rudolf Nureyev and that includes the intimate relationship with the rock star identical to Freddie Mercury.’

I look at ‘the Russian prince’ and can see him standing there staring down at the floor – obviously listening to the conversation the old couple are having outside the room. Ron Craster can be heard showing them out. Pavlova clears his throat going to the bar and pours himself a cherry brandy and comes over to me saying, ‘We not discuss them. I find photos for you.’ getting several photo albums out. I hug his arm to my … tits … cuddling closely to him on the sofa in the room.
Him on Haze Theatre stage rehearsing … Giselle … and I shared the having tea in his basement dance studio. I’ve also thrown in more photos from my concert at Haze Theatre. First two photos are of Nijinsky dancing with Anna Pavlova for ballet Le Pavillon d’Armide and as Pavlova put it, "the androgynous Nijinsky in rose leotard costume for ballet Le Spectre de la rose"

Caption should read 'sold out crowd at Haze Theatre'.
Please don't be so much in a hurry and check what you write! Cock ring can be seen on my left ... wrist (my black nails ...)

It is now 5:30pm. Pavlova leaves Haze Theatre a little after 6pm. I dare some of you in London near the Hyde Park area to haunt around that Peter Pan statue to see if he does the rose thing he mentioned. DON'T approach him. He most likely will be with his personal assistant. Just post about it in the fan club comments.
I'll be reading, my darlings ...
From Jorge Schumann (PR and web designer for FM) - I corrected the mistakes in what you wrote. Pavlova read what you wrote. I overheard him talking to Ron about it along with the photos you posted ....
Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: It just turned 6pm and I will be off in 15 mins. Yes, I am going to leave a rose, femmka. They better not approach .... I'm glad you added this under caption of pink spotlights photo - 'Cock ring can be seen on my left ... wrist (my black nails ...)' I'm sure your adoring fans will be in frenzy. As I told you that night ... I had it custom made for me. As for what you put into words about tea, we discuss later. Please don't embarrass me in front of them again over 'pet names' I choose to call you in their presence.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ How did your day go, Rudy darling? I rehearsed for 2 hours and knocked off. All I could think of was how I miss and long for you in every way. I hope you will be looking like my fave look (pictured below) when you visit 'our jealous friend'. Your leather and my satin. My precious fans will most likely take photos and video and post it with their comments. Awww. So I can see my romantic 'Russian prince' leaving the rose for me - his effeminate queen. I was not trying to embarrass you, dear! As I wrote, it caught me off guard. Never mind. Have you heard anymore from that wildly hysterical old couple since Tuesday? I couldn't believe that old bird going off on me like that!

Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: Jorge, she is upset. You claim it's out of your hands.... I'm not in the mood. I believe you because you are very competent. I am posting this now on my way to my Cambridge home, kitten. Ronnie old boy driving through the rather annoying heavy traffic. You clad in satin whether it be black or white is very ... arousing. Satin is romantic and provocative especially with your alluring exotic looks dressed in it. Yes, Sir Thomas phoned day after. He started to apologize for wife. I silenced him and tell him it stands firm, I no longer have you in their company nor presence. They don't understand you because they are prim and proper along with their age.
Haze Theatre has only seen ballet mainly and some theatrical productions until I had an unruly glam rock queen perform a rock concert on it's stage. A high society of provocative elites who are accustom to as I will just say - certain standards. You are so very forbidden and I am so very much enthralled by it, femmka. I laugh at their disapproval. 'They' - as in, my high society I associate with. But there are some who are more welcoming and open to the idea. We discuss later. This was how I looked. The gif you made from the never finished 'White Queen (As It Began)' video. Oh yes, femmka, when would you like your 'naughtily fashionable' bracelet back?? ....

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ The moment you arrive in Manchester tomorrow I will attack you, my delectably handsome 'Russian prince' and get it back from you .... Greg, you forgot one of the things from out of 'the book' My precious fans pointed it out in the fan club comments. This:
The sexual uncertainty is always a mystery. Uncertainty excites and enchants. There is no asexuality if it is photogenic. The male beauty is more naked. …. I (Nureyev) don’t want to turn off my sperm sucking slut (Freddie). His kiss with repeated drooling hunger. His breaths detonate my orgasm. My heart is drained. Finally he becomes silent between my legs, his sexual passions are satisfied, for at least awhile. He is insatiable. His trembling lips and craving tongue … an animalistically attack … my scrotum. Realizing it’s his personal parting ritual, his way of saying goodbye to my phallus.
He (Freddie) adores sucking my cock. From time to time convulsive spasms erupt his nipples. Between us a mute understanding. Our erotica fantasies coincide. Who cares what is going on around us in a perfect world of wonder and amusement. I (Nureyev) pay my price to be a superstar, to be superiorly wealthy and to be superiorly lonely.
And I see what you mean now, it is far too much to make a picture thing out of. I do want it all together not spread out through those pages. Pouts. Isn't there any way to accomplish that?
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Like with your 1.6 million and counting fans with membership to your fan club can't say enough, Killer Queen, it really is just fucking scary how identical you two are to (1970s) Freddie Mercury and Nureyev. Like those things from out of 'the book'. What was it that guy told you at the after party? 'Destiny brought you two together.' My only suggestion would be a lot of screenshots and resizing to fit it all. I copy/pasted those things and I had to do a lot of resizing of the text to fit it all onto that image. Now it's taken a 1/2 hour and counting forever to 'publish' what we've just now posted, Fairy. SMFH!